Intergroup Meeting Minutes – September 2014

Meeting Opens at 6:33

Bill Reads 12 Traditions

Role Call-

Bryan – Chair

Jordan – Secretary, HIW

Bill – Web Chair

Edward – Back to Basics

Bernice – Treasurer

Lynn – Big Book Bunch

Sean – Foxhall

Jim – Central Office

Jenny – Special Events

Ben – District 21

More people came in late.

Minutes Read

Treasurer’s Report – Budgeted Expenses and Report Given. Responsibilities of the treasurer given in the expenses. Contact info for office chairs was also given out.

Central Office – July was a terrific month. Everything is financially fine. Hotline lists have not been printed.

Web Chair – Everything is Working. Yay.

Special Events – 2014 AA Holiday Bash, December 13th at the WSI Hall. Potluck at 5:00 p.m. with a raffle afterwards and a speaker. It will end at 11:30.

Corrections – Chair is needed. Minutes put out.

District 21 – Nothing new to report.

District 22 – Voted to reschedule fall workshop to November 8th at Emanuel Lutheran, still mid afternoon.

District 3 – Not present

District 29 – Not present

Hotline – Not present

PICPC – Not present

Treatment – Not present

Olde Business – Committees need to submitting budgets for the next year and the conversation of what to do with Books on CD for the Lincoln Libraries.

Newe Business – Moving Halloween Intergroup Meeting to October 24, 2014

Meeting Adjourned