Central Service Office Meeting Minutes – October 2014

  1. 1. Open with Traditions: Neil
  1. Attendance: Craig, Gary, Klara, Neil, Scott, DR, Dru, Gayle and Marcella
  1. Minutes: Gayle – The September 18, 2014 Minutes were Approved.
  1. Treasurer’s report: Dru – September, 2014:

Income:         $ 4,229.31

Expenses:     $ 9,213.53

Loss:          ($ 4,984.22)


  1. President’s report: Craig

A big loss was incurred at CSO in September, however, for the year it’s OK.

A large purchase of A.A. literature was made.


  1. Intergroup report: None available.


  1. Office Manager’s report: Marcella
  2. Total office calls in September: ­_ 146 _ 12 Step: __4__
  3. Marcella is having trouble getting orders delivered by shipping company drivers who do not like to bring the shipments down stairs.
  4. The Anniversary committee disbanded and disbursed money to various legacies. The Central Office received $400.00 in August. Thank you!


  1. Old Business:

Board Members need to continue visiting different groups to thank them for their             past support and to ask for contributions wherever possible.


Reminder: Nomination for next year’s officers will be in November.

The Election will be in December, 2014.


  1. New Business:

Klara resigned from her position on the Board effective January 1st, 2015.

Klara, thank you for your many years of service to the CSO Board of Directors!    Craig will contact our alternate, Jim J., to see if he will be able to move up to being a Board Member. Board members will be searching to find a new           alternate and ask them to submit a Resume for the Board to review.


  1. Adjourn.


Next Board Meeting: November 20, 2014 @ 7 P.M. @ Central Service Office 28th & S