Central Service Office Meeting Minutes – September 2014


  1. Open with Traditions:  Scott
  1. Attendance:  Jim K., Gary, Klara, Neil, Scott, and Marcella
  1. Minutes:  Klara  The August 21, 2014 Minutes were Approved.
  1. Treasurer’s report:  Dru (absent)

Income:         $ 5,868.84

Expenses:     $ 6,617.46

Loss:             $    748.62


Answering Service:     $    125.00


  1. President’s report:  Jim
  1. Intergroup report:
  1. Office Manager’s report:  Marcella
  2. Total office calls in August:  ­_ 155 _  12 Step:  __2__
  1. Old Business:
  1. New Business:

Central Office will be closed Saturday, October 11th.

Nomination for next years officers will be in November.

The Election will be in December, 2014.

  1. Adjourn:


Next Board Meeting:  October 16, 2014 @ 7 P.M. @ Central Service Office 28th & S

If Gayle is not able to make the meeting Dru has agreed to take the Minutes for the October 16, 2014 meeting