Intergroup Meeting Minutes – November 2014

Open at 6:31

Ben opens with 12 Traditions

Roll Call

Brian – Intergroup Chair

Jordan – Intergroup Secretary, How It Works

Tom – Corrections

Joe – Corrections

Bill – Corrections

Sean – Foxhall

Ben – District 21

Devon – Monday Night Stag

Jim – Central Office

Jeigh – District 3, Spiritual Actions

Lynn – Big Book Bunch

Bernice – Treasurer

Nicolette – Friday Night Young Peoples

Lindsay – District 22

Luke – PICPC

Terry – Treatment

Tara – Wild Bunch

Minutes Read

Treasurer’s Report – Passing a list of groups that contribute to get contact info and mailing addresses to send ‘Thank You’s.’ Discussion of what type of information should be sent out and was decided that sending a list of contributions to the contributing group would beneficial in thanking them.

Central Office – A loss of $5,000 due to literature going up, still solvent. Alternate board members are needed, with a minimum of 2 years of sobriety.

Hotline- Meeting Info – 17 / WCB (will call back) – 5 / General Info – 6 / 12 step – 5 / Not Answered – 4

PICPC – Looking to order Grapevine and CDs of Big Books. Planning University endeavor to go into fraternities and such.

Correction Committee – Looking for chair for the committee. Correction facilities needing chairs – CCCL, RTC, D and E.

Treatment – Voted on giving 29 big books and 10 big books to Saint Monicas and Curtis Center, passed. Bridging the Gap is being fixed up with a list of volunteers given to treatment centers and a designated contact person for the treatment centers to contact.

District 3 – 2 hour meeting to plan for the workshop – dance on Feb. 14.

District 21 – Nothing to Report

District 22 – 30-35 people attended workshop. Had a few newcomers who picked up pamphlets and came to workshop. Everything went well.

Special Events – Not Present

Web – Not Present

District 29 – Not Present

Olde Business – Bring Semi-annual Expenses to December meeting.

Motion for next intergroup meetings to be on Novermber 21st and December 19th. (passed)

Newe Business – Move to Vote the Budgets to next month due to late Budgets being presented. (passed)

Motion to send fliers out to groups to attend January Intergroup Meeting. Bring snacky things and cider. (passed)


List of Budgets

Special Events – On their Own

Hotline – $20.00 for copies and lists.

Website – 140.00 for hosting and domain name.

Intergroup – 302.00

  • 00 for rent
  • 00 for Post Office
  • 00 For Misc- Office (stamps and paper)

PICPC – 943.00

  • Current – 148.95
  • 200 for B.B.
  • 2 – 2 year subscription to Grapevine
  • Misc – Expenses
  • 00 for 7 Books on tapes

Treatment Committee – 778.39

  • Current – 278.39
  • 00 for rent
  • 00 for next year of operations with current balance.
  • A total of 500.00
  • 79 plus rent of 120.00 to total 861.79 for the last years expenses

Corrections Committee

Rent: $60.00
One case of hardback Big Books: $200.00
One case of paperback Big Books: $180.00
Total estimated expenses for 2015: $440.00

Minus current balance: $37.93
Minus Fourth Quarter 2014 dis-
bursement from Intergroup: $178.75
Total subtracted from $440.00: $216.68

Total request for 2015: $223.32

Total Requests outside of committees holdings-

Treatment – 500.00

Website – 140.00

Hotline – 0*

PICPC – 794.05

Corrections – 223.32

Intergroup – 302.00

Total of $1959.37 Budgeted outside of intergroup treasury.

*Hotline never claimed budgeted allotment in the last year.

Meeting Adjourned 7:26