Central Service Office Meeting Minutes – November 2014

1. Open with Traditions: Scott

2. Attendance: Jim K., Dru, Gary, DR, Klara, Neil, Scott, Gayle and Marcella

3. Minutes: Gayle – Approved By Board

4. Treasurer’s report: Dru October, 2014

Income: $ 6,415.13

Expenses: $ 6,265.01

Gain: $ 150.12

This is better than we were doing last year, however, the groups need to start

contributing more in order to keep the Central Office going.

5. President’s report: Jim feels we are doing OK financially but sees the need to start

visiting the groups to thank them for their past support and seek additional support

at this time.

6. Intergroup report: The December meeting was moved up a week to December 19th

due to the holidays. Intergroup has been asked to consider giving Big Books to the

City of Lincoln libraries.

7. Office Manager’s report: Marcella

a. Total office calls in October: _152_ 12 Step __4_

b. The Winter Meeting Directory will be printed very soon as Marcella is low on meeting lists.

c. Thanks to Dru for working November 8th!

d. At the next Intergroup meeting Marcella would like Jim to bring up an item to the P.I. and Treatment Committees regarding the need at the City Mission for some Big Books at the Monday night meeting.

8. Old Business:

Our alternate, Jim J., has submitted a resume to the CSO Board and indicated a willingness to move up to being a Board member as a replacement for Klara. The Board voted to gratefully accept Jim J. Thank you Jim J.!

The Board is now looking for an alternate member to have on deck. An Al-Anon member would make a nice addition to the Board.

9. New Business:

Nominations were made and discussed for CSO Officer’s to be voted on in December. Jim K. will be stepping down as President.

2015 Spring Fling facilities available for the CSO area were discussed. Concerns were expressed by Board Members for a lack of a secure area large enough to meet our needs. The matter will be brought before the 2015 Spring Fling Committee at it’s next meeting.

10. Adjourn:

Next Board Meeting: December 18, 2014 @ 7 P.M. @ Central Service Office 28th & S