Intergroup Meeting Minutes – December 2014

Meetings starts 6:30 p.m.

Dawn opens with 12 Traditions

Why not start out 2015 by doing something happy like coming to our Intergroup open house! What is Intergroup you say? Well, it is one of the best kept secrets of Lincoln AA.

Here is the deal. Intergroup is about the Lincoln groups working together, and each group ought to have an Intergroup rep but most don’t. So we want to let you, the membership, know what we are about. That is the reason for the invitation. And to sweeten the evening we are providing snacks!

— Come join us for our January 30 meeting. It s Friday night at the Willard Community Center 1245 Folsom, Lincoln (off of West A) 6:30pm. Bring your curiosity.

Brian – Intergroup Chair

Brandon – Hotline

Jeigh – District 3, Spiritual Actions

Jordan – Secretary, How It Works

Ben – District 21

Tom – Corrections Committee

Joe – Corrections Committee

Edward – Back to Basics

Sean – Fox’s hall

Jim – Central Office

Erica – Ladies Big Book

Tom – Clock Tower

Devon – Monday Nite Stag

Jean – Women’s Circle of Friends, Happy joyous and Free

Dawn – Seeking Solutions

Tara – Wilde Bunche

Lindsay – District 22

Joel – Treatment committee

Kirsten – PICPC

Minutes Read

Treasurer’s Report – Not Present, but presented info on budgets and questions were fielded on report.

BALANCE FORWARDED FROM NOVEMBER 2014                                                $1,133.19


Monday Night Stag                         $57.17

Seeking Solutions                            $142.00

Total Contributions:                        S199.17                                                                 $199.17



Corrections Disbursement           $178.75

Total Expenditures:                                                                                                         $178.75 ($178.75)

ENDING BALANCE FOR DECEMBER 2014                                                                $1.153.61


Treatment Committee  $0.00

Corrections                         $0.00

Hotline                                 $20.00

Website                               $0.00

Pt/CRC                                  $0.00

Intergroup Committee $0.00

Total Budgeted Expenses:                                                                                           $20.00 ($20.00)

AVAILABLE BALANCE AFTER COMMITTEE BUDGETED EXPENSES:                                $1.133.61

Thanks to the groups that contributed this month!

Please Mail Checks to…

For: Lincoln Intergroup      For: State of Nebraska:       For: General Service Office

Lincoln Intergroup               Area 41 Treasurer                               Grand Central Station

P.O. Box 6366                       117 S. 38th Street Apt. #1                  P.O. Box 459

Lincoln, NE 68506                Omaha, NE 68131                                New York, NY 10163

This report accords with the bank statements and checkbook.

Respectfully submitted in service,

Lincoln Intergroup Treasurer Bernice 402-570-8065

Central Office – Jim is stepping down as President. Neil will be the new president. Overall we are doing better this year than the last. (Minutes are at the end)

Hotline- Nothing (Forgot)

District 3 – Typical attendance, Workshop for Feb. 14.

District 21 – Nothing to add.

District 22 – Everything is well.

District 29 – Not Present

Corrections Committee – Still needing a committee chair. The Local Jail needs both male and female volunteers. CCCL needs a volunteer to take over in-house meeting. See their minutes for more info. (At Bottom) Applications and Applicants must fill out a background check. Go to corrections meeting if interested.

Treatment Committee – Things are going well. Now have literature chair. Bridging the Gap is becoming more efficient. Bridging the Gap is loosely defined as being ambassadors of AA to local treatment centers. Literature has been given out to more non-profit treatment centers.

PICPC – They had met with Fancy people in suits, Dean and such, at UNL to help converse with alcoholism on campus

Special Events – Not Present

Olde Businesse – Budgets moved to today

Intergroup Open house with treats and such, at the beginning of minutes


Intergroup Passes

Hotline Passes

Website Passes

Treatment Passes

Corrections Passes

PICPC Passes

Special Events Passes

New Business – Will need New Web Chair, Descriptions will be posted for what the Web Chair does.

Reimbursing Bernice and allowing her to pay herself for her fliers and for cookies and Cider – PASSES

Meeting Adjourned at 7:28 p.m.