Central Service Office Meeting Minutes – March 2015
March 19, 2015
1. Open with Traditions: Jim J.
2. Attendance: Craig, DR, Gary, Gayle, Jim J., Jim K., Marcella, Neil, Scott and Claudia
3. Minutes: Gayle – Approved
4. Treasurer’s report: Marcella for Dru February, 2015
Income: $ 4,442.18
Expenses: $ 4,880.11.
Loss: ($ 437.93)
5. President’s report: Neil The Spring Fling Committee will set us up as requested.
6. Intergroup report: The Intergroup Rep is not able to come to CSO Meetings due to a conflict with home group time. Neil attended and reported attendance around 13. District 3 needs a Treasurer. Intergroup needs a webmaster as previous person moved out of state.
7. Office Manager’s report: Marcella
a. Total office calls in February: _171 12 Step _2_. Marcella is still getting several hang up phone calls.
b. A volunteer list was passed around for Board Members to sign up for times to help Marcella during Spring Fling. CSO will set up Friday around 4:30, be closed during speakers and open during work shops. We will pack up Central Office items shortly after the speaker finishes on Saturday night.
c. Telephone Answering owner called and reported they have not received names for the hot line list for 2 years. Jim K. will contact them about receiving regular reports.
8. Old Business: The CSO Board will take hot line sign up sheets to meetings. We
will continue visiting groups to thank them for their support. Spring Fling discussion.
9. New Business: Claudia L. from Alanon had submitted a resume to CSO as we need an Alternate. A motion was made and unanimously passed that Claudia L. is now on the CSO Board. Welcome Claudia, we are pleased to have you! Due to our next scheduled meeting conflicting with Spring Fling the meeting date has been changed to April 9, 2014 @ 7.
10. Adjourn:
Next Board Meeting: April 9, 2015 @ 7 P.M. @ Central Service Office 28th & S