Intergroup Meeting Minutes – October 2015
Meeting starts 6:32
Jeigh opens with 12 traditions
Intergroup Chair – Bryan
Treasurer – Bernice
Hotline – Brandon
Website – Sean
Secretary – Jordan
Role Call
Minutes read
Treasurer’s Report – Asking committees to submit budgets. The 300 dollar check was from Hour of AA 7:30 because they were clearing out their account.
Website – “Pretty much same damn thing” have not been able to transfer the chair position and still unable to log onto site. Problems with logging on. As soon as we can log in and pass on the position, setting up a new phone number for logins would be helpful.
Hotline – 5 calls for volunteers, 40 for meeting info, 1 unanswered. Was unable to print new meeting lists but will bring back next month. Sorry about being gone for last 3 months.
Central Office – Craig is home but had lung taken out and is starting to recover. Having a call sheet for just women helps. The CD and workbook has been made available. Hour of AA was unknown to who they were. Drew was here last month because Neil was gone but their was a question over social media and the answer was the workshop on social media and anonymity from district 22. There will be a upcoming election for central office board.
Corrections- The new 2016 budget was put in but there will be a budget that will carry over for next year. There is a lack of volunteers for corrections and Lincoln is doing a poor job in helping those that are in facilities. Corrections needs people to fill in positions and that if there is no volunteer at sine places there is no meeting. Need help everywhere. Call facilities if interested. (minutes are at the end) Corrections meetings are at 6:00 first Tuesday of the month at the meeting place upstairs.
Treatment – Not present
PICPC – Not present
District 3 – Elections were this last meeting. Jon C F is new DCM, but do not have treasurer as previous treasurer has been around for 3 rotations. Also need new intergroup rep.
District 21 – GSR workshop is coming up Dec 12, Sat 1-3 pm. Brooke H is new DCM. All positions were filled.
District 22 – Had workshop on Oct 4. There was a lot of Chicken. “Chicken came across the road and came to district 22 workshop” – Lindsay. There were a less people but a lot of new people at the workshop. There was a lot of discussion with the new format. Elections were held. Kelly G is new DCM and all other positions were filled. “That was one of the best workshops I have been to” – Lynn
District 29 – Not present
Groups – New meeting called “New life” Wednesday 7:30 at St Marks Vermeer education center. It will have 10 min speaker, 10 min break, 45 min discussion.
Big Book Bunch had elections and Howard is new rep. GSR position has not been filled.
Friday Night Young Peoples – All positions filled, Eric is GSR
Olde Business – Need Yearly budget submissions
New Business – Discussion on when to vote on budgets – will be December so that groups can look at them. Request for the new district Treasurers to put on list of treasurers for info. Elections next month on Nov 20 . Point of info – CSO board will meet day before so the approved minutes might be a month later.
Meeting adjourned 7:22
Corrections Committee 6 October 2015
Chair: Vacant.
Treasurer: Bill 0. No activity. Our balance is $150.61.
City County Jail: Male and female volunteers needed, days and times flexible. Call Sherry Kotter at the facility, 40244 1— 1 900, extension 24 1 55, if interested in becoming a volunteer. The A.A. contact person is Joe G., 402-480-9678.
Community Corrections Center, Lincoln (CCCL): Male and female volunteers are eligible to enter this facility. The contact person at the facility is Pam Florang, 402-47 1 0813. The A.A. contact person is Joe G., 402-480-9678.
Diagnostic and Evaluation Center (D & E): Monday and Wednesday night meetings, men only. Part4ime volunteers needed who can fill—in when the regular volunteers are absent. The contact person at the facility is Pastor Price, 402-47 1 -3 3 3 0. The A.A. contact person is Bill 0., 402-475-9341.
Residential Treatment Community (RTC): Saturday night meeting, men only. The two volunteers often have A.A. service commitments that prevent them from attending. They are looking for volunteers to fill-in for them when they are absent. The contact person at the facility is Ashley Emerson, 402471-3039. The A.A. contact person is Bill 0., 402-475-9341.
Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC): Joel E. is the only volunteer currently going into the facility. He would like some help. If you are interested in being a volunteer, contact Kevin Oliver at kevin.oliverc1i’, or call Joel, 402617-6229.
Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP): The Iron Bar A.A. Group is looking A.A. speakers to come into the facility and share their sobriety stories at their Tuesday night meeting. If you are interested in speaking, contact Bill B. at 402326-6368.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
Rent: $60.00
One case ppbk. Big Books $180.00
One case ppbk. 12 & 12’s $150.00
New version of It Sure Beats $20.00
Sitting a Cell video
TOTAL $410.00