Intergroup Meeting Minutes – November 2015
Intergroup Minutes
November 20, 2015
Meeting opens 6:30
Eric opens with 12 Traditions
Chairs Present
Chair – Bryan
Treasurer – Bernice
Website – Shawn
Hotline – Not Present
Secretary – Jordan
Role Call
Minutes read
Treasurer’s report – See treasurer’s report on website. Would like to bring up minutes and whether
secretary or treasurer will post budgets on the minutes. The secretary will post the minutes from the
committees with the minutes (at the end).
Website – Have been able to log on to website. But have not messed around on it yet to figure out what
needs to be done, there are receipts on the site for reimbursements.
Corrections – Still needing volunteers for facilities. Even for part time volunteers. Anyone willing to help
should contact the facilities or can contact a representative member of AA to talk to. Question of having
a flyer put up at central office stating the need for volunteers.
Treatment – There are two budgets set aside for requests for workshop and non-workshop. Question of
what makes a non-profit for instance, The Bridge. There is no contact at this moment but there is a
need for a contact for The Bridge. Bob M offered to be a contact for The Bridge. Every 2 years a
committee puts on a workshop letting people know what the treatment committee does. With Bridging
the Gap a person in treatment will sign up and be able to be contacted by a volunteer. There is now a
appointee rep for the Bridge, Art.
PICPC – See budget report at the end of minutes.
Central Office – Starting to nominate officers for next year and will vote next month. Raised the price of
chips to add a little more income. A loss of September but an increase for October. Questions of 12
songs for the 12 steps. A new CD with workbook and corresponding songs.
Special Events – Sat Dec 12 WSI Hall, Christmas Event. $5 a person. 5-7 for dinner and 7-730 raffle with
Dirk speaking from 730 – 830 then a dance. Central Office needs fliers for Christmas Event.
Alcathon – Will be happening this year. Have a new committee and fliers will be made and put out.
Speaker will be Jake F.
District 3 – Nothing really happening but still need treasurer and intergroup rep.
District 21 – Nothing really going on.
District 22 – Nothing exciting is happening. Welcome business meeting at next meeting for incoming
representatives, 3rd Wednesday 6:45 at St. Mathews.
District 29 – Not present
Groups – Nope
Olde business – Discussion on when to vote on budgets – will be December so that groups can look at
them. Request for the new district Treasurers to put on list of treasurers for info. Elections next month
on Nov 20 . Point of info – CSO board will meet day before so the approved minutes might be a month
New business – Elections
Intergroup Chair – Bernice – elected unanimously
Treasurer – Lindsay – elected unanimously
Secretary – Edward – elected unanimously
Hotline – Jessica – elected unanimously
Website – Shawn – elected unanimously
Alt Chair – Eric – elected unanimously
New DCM and Intergroup officers was passed out for contact info.
List of treatment committee officers that can be given to those that want it.
Question of how to represent for the budgets.
Intergroup budget request – $322 for next year
Hotline – $20
Website $140
Closed at 7:29
201b PICPC Budget & Request tor Funds
2016 Proposed Budget total: $1,078.07
Left over Balance from 2015: $163.07
Funds Requested from Intergroup: $915.00
Plan for funds in 2016:
Big Books $728.00
o We’ve attended a number of events over the past year and were able to hand out 2 cases (40 Big
books) and we’d like to continue doing that and look to expand to other events. We already have 2
events planned for 2016, one being our bi-annual workshop at the Independent Center.
Pamphlets $200.00
o We continue to expand the number of events we attend, or groups we speak with. We’ve also been
creating packets for clergy and doctors and handing them out personally, or at events. We’ve decided to
expand and hand out literature to military, police and fire, so well need to order more pamphlets for
those, along with keeping our inventory stocked.
Printing costs/Supplies/Miscellaneous $150.00
o To cover printing costs, any unexpected expenses that relate to the workshop or any other
presentations. We’d like to make fliers to let AA members know about our committee also.
Treatment Facilities Committee Budget 2016
November 20. 2015
To: Lincoln Intergroup
• From: Treatment Facilities Committee Greetings,
Elections were held at the 10/11/2015 meeting of the Treatment Facilities
Committee. Kemper Wilkins was elected to replace Joel Egger as the Treasurer.
Arrangements were made with Pinnacle Bank to transfer the bank account and
signatory responsibilities from Joel to Kemper effective immediately.
Proposed is a budget for the Treatment Facilities Committee for 2016. We haven’t had a workshop in a
couple of years and would like to hold one. Below are costs, if you were to approve our budget with a
workshop and if it isn’t approved.
Without Workshop:
Travel for Area – $420.00
Pamphlets – $150.00 — we buy pamphlets for non-profit treatment centers
Books – $250 – we will be buying books for non-profit treatment centers
Rent at Independence Center – $120
Total – $940.00
Cash Balance on hand as of 11/20/2015 – $113.39
Total Request for 2016 minus Cash Balance on hand – $827.00 -$221.61 to both budgets for
With Workshop: Room to rent for workshop – $60.00
Pamphlets for workshop – $50.00
Food for workshop – $50.00
Total- $160.00
Current Request plus workshop costs = 827.00 + 160.00
Total Request for 2016 plus workshop minus cash on hand – $987.00
This budget request was prepared for your consideration by Alyssa Wilson and Kemper Wilkins. We
thank you for your consideration.
Respectfully submitted,
Kemper Wilkins
Treasurer, Treatment Facilities Committee
Corrections Committee —3 November 2015
Chair: Vacant.
Treasurer: Bill 0. Beginning balance of $150.61. Deposited fourth quarterly disbursement check from
Intergroup, for $55.89. New balance is $206.50. No other activity.
City County Jail: Male and female volunteers needed, days and times flexible. Call Sherry Kotter at the
facility, 402-441-1900, extension 24155, if interested in becoming a volunteer. The A.A. contact person
is Joe G., 402-480-9678.
Community Corrections Center, Lincoln (CCCL): Male and female volunteers are eligible to enter this
facility. The contact person at the facility is Pam Florang, 402-47 1- 08 13. The A.A. contact person is Joe
G., 402-480-9678.
Diagnostic and Evaluation Center (D & E): Monday and Wednesday night meetings, men only. Part-time
volunteers needed who can fill-in when the regular volunteers are absent. The contact person at the
facility is Pastor Price, 402-471-3330. The A.A. contact person is Bill 0., 402-475-9341.
Residential Treatment Community (RTC): Saturday night meeting, men only. The two volunteers often
have A.A. service commitments that prevent them from attending. They are looking for volunteers to
fill-in for them when they are absent. The contact person at the facility is Ashley Emerson, 402-471-
3039. The A.A. contact person is Bill 0., 402-475-9341.
Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC): Joel E. is the only volunteer currently going into the facility. He would
like some help. If you are interested in being a volunteer, contact Kevin Oliver at
kevin.oliver(, or call Joel, 402-617-6229.
Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP): The Iron Bar A.A. Group is looking A.A. speakers to come into the
facility and share their sobriety stories at their Tuesday night meeting. If you are interested in speaking,
contact Bill B. at 402-326-6368.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, 1 December 2015, at 6:00 p.m., Room 2A, the Meeting Place, 28” and S Street.
Rent: $60.00
One case ppbk. Big Books $180.00
One case ppbk. 12 & 12’s $150.00
New version of It Sure Beats $20.00
Sitting a Cell video
TOTAL $410.00