Intergroup Meeting Minutes – February 2016
6:31p.m. Start
Jake12 tradition.
Bernice-Chair person.
Secretary- Edward.
Minutes read
Treasure report Lindsay (attached report)
Neal-Central office: Talked about spring fling, inventory went really good. (see attach central services form)
Correction Bill: (see attached corrections form)
Treatment Kerra: The Bridge did receive 12 soft cover big books. Made contact with House of Hope about bridging the gap. Vote to put Karra on the contact information.
PICPC Jessie: $383.07 balance didn’t get there disbursement asking tonight. Library for CD’s to be ordered. Family Physician conference is this month.
Luke PICPC rep new business: Need new intergroup rep until further notice, new meeting on Tuesdays instead of Thursdays at 6:00pm at Hi-Way dinner of every month.
Hot Line: Not present.
Website Sean: Renew AA domain for another year. Still have the check for last payment tried to give back to previous website chair but do not have the address to send check. Gave the check back to the treasure until further notice. Motion to sent a date on the check for 30 days April 1, 2016. Received an email from treatment they don’t have a category for treatment on the website.
Dist-21 Eric: We will not be doing 4 corners workshop, they are doing to Unity Picnic in July and they have $828.00.
Seeking Solution: Tomorrow morning is the anniversary meeting.
Old Business: $210.00 half of the amount asking for Area-41. 14 to 1 vote to approve the amount.
New Business: No new business
Close at 7:15pm