Intergroup Meeting Minutes – March 2016

March Intergroup:

6:33pm Open

Open with moment of silent. Follow by the serenity prayer.

Treasures report (Lindsay):

Lincoln Intergroup Treasurer’s Report March 2016

Balance Forwarded From February 2016                                                                                $1,868.21


Wild Bunch                                                                         $100.00

Monday Night Stag                                                         $55.47



Total Contributions:                                                                        $155.47 $155.47



PICPC 1ST DISBURSEMENT                                            ($228.75)

TREATMENT 1ST DISBURSEMENT                               (194.15)

WEBSITE CHAIR REIMBURSEMENT                           ($18.17)


Total Expenditures:                                                                         ($441.07)             ($441.07)



ENDING BLAANCE FOR MARCH 2016                                                                       ($1582.61)




Treatment Committee                  $582.46

Corrections                                         $155.63

Hotline                                                 $20.00

Website                                               $121.83

PI/CPC                                                  $686.25

Intergroup Committee                  $322.00


Total Budgeted Expenses:                           $1,888.17                                             $1,888.17






Thanks to the groups that contributed this month! Please mail check to:

For: Linc Intergroup                        For: State of Nebr.                          For: General Service Office

P.O. Box 6366                                    Area 41 Treasurer                            Grand Central Station

Lincoln, NE 68506                             2350 P St.                                             P.O. Box 459

Lincoln, NE 68503                             New York, NY 10163


This report accords with the bank statements and checkbook.


Respectfully submitted in service,

Lincoln Intergroup Treasurer

Lindsay Burford                402-326-3005




Alternate Chair: Absent

Chairperson (Bernice): Nothing to add.


Central Office (Jim):

Total calls in January 138, 12 step 2.

In last few months CSO received some nice memorials.

February sales are slow and contributions down.

Inventory was hectic. Better times and ways for next year were discussed.


Treasurer’s report (Scott):           January 2016

Income:              $6,843.74

Expenses:          $6,396.21

Gain:                    $447.53


New business: The board received a resume for Clair M. who is in attendance at tonight’s meeting. Because of his vast experience and after discussion and a vote, Clair M. was accepted and is the newest CSO Bd member. Clair, welcome to our Board!

Jim K. will make a sign for CSO with our Open Hours more prominent.

2016 Spring Fling was discussed briefly including conditions to help Spring Fling Committee with their raffles tickets.

Our newest Board member, Clair M., had a proposal regarding archives. The Board discussed and voted to accept his well thought out exciting proposal!

Neil will continue to attend Intergroup to provide CSO information. Minutes and bulletin, however, he will not be collecting IG information to bring back to CSO.


Intergroup Report (Neil): It has been some time since an IG rep attended CSO Bd Meeting even though they do have a vote on our Board. If IG would find a way to get their monthly reports and information to the CSO d to keep us informed it would be much appreciated.


Next Board Meeting:  March 17, 2016 @ 7P.M. @ Central Service Office 28th & S.

Corrections Committee (Bill O.):

Chair: Vacant.

Treasurer: Bill O. Beginning balance of $206.50. Received first quarter disbursement check from Intergroup for $50.87, raising our balance to $257.37. Paid Central Office $30.00 for January to July rent. New balance of $227.37

City-County Jail: Joe G. The new volunteer applications for city county Jail are now available. If interested in filling out an application contact Sherry Kotter at the facility 402-441-1900 extension 24155, or call Joe G. at 402-480-9678.

Community Corrections Center, Lincoln (CCCL): Joe G. Attendance at the Tuesday night men’s in-house Twelve Step study is currently very small. Twice in the last month, no inmates showed-up for the meeting. If attendance does not pick-up soon, the volunteers are thinking of moving to a different facility.

Diagnostic and Evaluation Center (D&E): Bill O. New volunteer still pending. The Monday night meeting is still going. The Wednesday night meeting usually gets 12 to 18 inmates in attendance.

Residential Treatment Community (RTC): Bill O. Still awaiting work in the volunteer who recently applied. The Saturday night meeting had between six to eight inmates in attendance.

Lincoln Correctional Center (LLC): Joel E. is the only volunteer currently going into the facility, and he would like some help. Call Joel at 402-617-6229 if interested in becoming a volunteer. The contact person at the facility is Kevin Oliver, and his e-mail address is

Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP): The Iron Bar Group is looking for a A.A. speakers to come into the facility to share their sobriety stories at the Tuesday night meeting. If you are interested in speaking, call Bill B. at 402-326-6338

Old Business: None.

New business: The Young People’s group filled-out one of the sign-up sheets for potential volunteers. That sheet was brought to the committee and committee members will begin contracting the signees.

Next Meeting: Tuesday April 5, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. Room 2A, the Meeting Place, 28th and S Street.



Treatment Committee: Absent


PICPC (Jesse): $383.07 is the balance. Met on the 1st of the month. Got in contact with LPS. Identify with UNL who to contact regarding the workshop on November 2016. Speakers have been contacted, talked to Marcella and flyers were already make they will have to make correct ones. Made contact with Teammate’s waiting for a response back.  Will go to Seward for their first PICPC meeting for support.


Hotline: Absent


Website: Absent

District 21 (Jake): Balance $863.83. Still working for Area 41 until June 2016. Looking for volunteers for greetings and set-up. Lost a few members. Some groups are doing well.


Old Business: None


Young People (Nate): Hosting Spring Fling dance.


New Business: Edward continues to be secretary will take notes and Jesse will type them up.


Close 7:15 P.M.