Intergroup Meeting Minutes – May 2016

Intergroup Meeting May Minutes – June 3, 2016


Chairman: Bernice S.

Alt Chair: Eric

Secretary: Edward

Treasurer: Lindsay B.

Began the meeting @ 6:31 pm

The AA Traditions were read by: Edward


Officers present: 4

Committees present: 2 (PICPC, Central Office)

Group chair members present: 5 (Young People, First 164, Wild Bunch, Seeking Solutions, Life Preservers)

Districts present: 1 (District 21)

Total People Present: 11

Minutes approved for April 2016

Committee Reports

Treasurer’s Report:

(Amended April Report submitted for groups to review.)

Balance forward from April 2016:                            $1,940.00


Life Preservers                    $   72.00

Total Contributions:                        $   72.00



Ending Balance for Mayl 2016                            $2,012.00

Reserve for 2016 Committee Budgets

Treatment        $   582.46

Corrections        $   155.63

Hotline            $     20.00

Website        $   121.83

PICPC            $   686.25

Intergroup        $   220.00

Total Commitments:        $1,786.17

**Intergroup’s Balance after Commitments to Committees:                 $  255.83

Thanks to the group that contributed this month! Please mail check to:

Mail checks to:

Lincoln Intergroup        State of Nebraska            GSO

P.O. Box 6366            Area 41                Grand Central Station

Lincoln, NE 68506        2350 P Street                PO Box 459

Lincoln, NE 68503            New York, NY 10163

Respectfully submitted in servive, Lindsay B., Treasurer,  402.326.3005

Chair Report: Met with Alt Chair. Reminder that semi-annual expense reports are due from committees next month. Discussion about these reports being compiled and sent out to groups for the last 2 years. Seems some were not aware. Committees didn’t know about this.

Alt Chair: Met with Chair.

Committee Reports:

Central Office Committee: (Neil)

Income     $6,952.84

Expenses     $5,390.97

Gain        $1,561.87

Old Business: Updates about Archives project. Huge progress has been made. Security system was discussed. Possible June Grand Opening.

New Business:

Ask groups to pass the word of a need for CSO Board Members & alternates. Would love to have another woman!
ADDITION: Eastridge Presbyterian contacted Marcella and would like to have an AA meeting brought to the church. Neil has contact info.

Next Meeting: May 19, 2016

Corrections Committee: Not Present

Hotline committee: Not Present

Treatment Committee: Nothing to add

PI/CPC Committee: Jessi H.

Attendance: 3

Balance:     $402.06

  • Spoke to a group of nursing students at Wesleyan
  • CPC workshop at Independent Center set for Nov. 1
    • Met w/IC to hash out details. Plans going well
  • Got in contact with Duke at UNL. Requested meeting to be started on campus. Suggested 2 times on Fridays.
    • PICPC has invited Duke to attend the next PICPC meeting to discuss
    • Committee members will invite group members who might be interested to attend meeting and get connected with Duke
  • Because of group members being gone June 14, we’ve moved the June meeting to June 21.

Website Committee: Not Present

District reports:

District 21: Erik

Continuing work on hosting reunion on June 25-26. Also getting ready for the Unity Picnic. Fliers coming. July 21, 12:30-3:30 at Van Dorn Park. There will be food. Trent G & Joel E are speaking. Balance quite high, so they’ll be sending alt DCM to Area for the rest of the year ($853.19 balance)

Old Business:


New Business:

Motion: to increase treasurer budget by $10 to pay for the post office box. Passed.

Ladies Big Book discussed that many meetings on the meeting list are incorrect or non-existing. Intergroup discussed ways for this to get communicated to webmaster.

Eric presented a proposal about a service meeting that should be shared with all groups and discussed.


Start a monthly meeting that would teach AA Members about the service structure and different positions, how to get involved and what each pieces is. It’d be the same each month. Hoping to do it ad Bryan LGH West in a classroom. Structure would be the same each time. Would like to try for 6 months and see how it goes. Eric has volunteered to lead. Request that intergroup support until it can support itself. ($10 a month) There would be a 1 time expense of preparing the binder for the meeting.

They’d like to start this in September, so please come with thoughts to June meeting.

Meeting closed at 7:36 p.m. and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.

The next meeting is Friday, June 24 @ 6:30 p.m. @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.

Respectfully Submitted,
