Intergroup Meeting Minutes – June 2016

Intergroup Meeting June Minutes – June 24, 2016


Chairman: Bernice S.

Alt Chair: Eric

Secretary: Edward

Treasurer: Lindsay B.

Began the meeting @ 6:33 pm following the Serenity Prayer

The AA Traditions were read by: Jessi H.


Officers present: 3

Committees present: 3 (PICPC, Central Office, Website)

Group chair members present: 6 (Young People, First 164, Wild Bunch, Seeking Solutions, Life Preservers, Ladies Big Book)

Districts present: 0

Total People Present: 12

Minutes approved for May 2016

Committee Reports

Treasurer’s Report:

Balance forward from May 2016:                            $2,012.00


First 164 Group                    $   75.00

Seeking Solutions                    $ 130.00

Total Contributions:                        $ 205.00



Ending Balance for June 2016                            $2,217.00

Reserve for 2016 Committee Budgets

Treatment        $   582.46

Corrections        $   155.63

Hotline            $     20.00

Website        $   121.83

PICPC            $   686.25

Intergroup        $   220.00

Total Commitments:        $1,786.17

**Intergroup’s Balance after Commitments to Committees:                 $  420.83

Thanks to the group that contributed this month! Please mail check to:

Mail checks to:

Lincoln Intergroup        State of Nebraska            GSO

P.O. Box 6366            Area 41                Grand Central Station

Lincoln, NE 68506        2350 P Street                PO Box 459

Lincoln, NE 68503            New York, NY 10163

Respectfully submitted in service, Lindsay B., Treasurer,  402.326.3005

Chair Report: Talked to hotline chair — there’s a work conflict so that person will not be able to fulfill commitment. We’ll discuss electing a new hotline chair in new business.

Alt Chair: Not present — at Area 41 Reunion

Committee Reports:

Central Office Committee: (Neil)

Income     $7,511.17

Expenses     $9,191.53

Gain        ($1,680.36)

Old Business: Updates about Archives project. Carpet installation was finished today. Security cameras will be used to protect the inventory and loaned items.

New Business: CSO Offices hours were discussed. Clair presented an Archives Mission Statement along with forms he had researched to use for Archives Inventory records. These were reviewed and approved. A possible date to hold an open house for the new Archives Room was discussed.

Next Meeting: June 16, 2016

Corrections Committee: Not Present

Hotline committee: Not Present

Treatment Committee: Not present

PI/CPC Committee: Jessi H.

Attendance: 5 (new person!)

Balance:     $402.06

  • Prepared semi-annual expense report that was shared with intergroup
  • Collecting bios from speakers for IC workshop
  • We’ll put together an order in August to be submitted to Area for literature for this workshop
  • Discussed issue with meeting list be out of date. Decided to suggest intergroup take this on, but PICPC will help. Jessi will bring up at Intergroup
  • Duke from UNL was unable to attend meeting. We decided we will go ahead and start the meeting and hope to spread it quickly. We’ll work with Duke via phone/email to find location, but have suggested a noon meeting. Luke agreed to take on chairing that meeting as we get it started. We’ll also spread the word to individuals working in downtown Lincoln or on campus. (we’ll plan for an August start — more to come) We’ll work on the format next meeting
  • 2 guests from Seward — brought a question: How do we help young people want to keep sticking around? Good conversation. PICPC agreed to pass a phone list around in meetings to get some young people contacts to share with the district.

Website Committee: Renewed wordpress site: $119.88

Alt Del. called him to discuss the meetings that were out of date on the website. Sean updated what he could (can’t update the PDF from Central Office)

District reports:


Old Business:

Out of date meeting lists

Intergroup agreed to take updating it on, but would like DCMs to participate. Bernice will ask them to come to July’s meeting so we can go through the existing meeting lists together. If meetings need to be visited to confirm they are in existence, we’ll divvy them up among those in attendance. Then we’ll have an updated list to submit to Central Office by the end of August, in time for their new printing in September.

  • Maybe this will be a  yearly thing?
  • Lindsay will include a note in with her treasurer’s message saying to contact us if there are meetings that have closed that they are aware of.

Discussion of monthly service meeting

Tabled until next month.

Next month, Bernice will provide the final proposal to take back to groups

New Business:

Discussion of whether or not to include sober volleyball filer on Agreed that it should not be added.

Let groups know we need a hotline chair.

Meeting closed at 7:35 p.m. and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.

The next meeting is Friday, July29 @ 6:30 p.m. @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.

Respectfully Submitted,
