Intergroup Meeting Minutes – July 2016

Intergroup Meeting July Minutes – July 29, 2016


Chairman: Bernice S.

Alt Chair: Eric

Secretary: Edward

Treasurer: Lindsay B.

Began the meeting @ 6:33 pm following the Serenity Prayer

The AA Traditions were read by: Eric


Officers present: 4

Committees present: 4 (PICPC, Central Office, Corrections, Website)

Group chair members present: 8 (Young People, First 164, Wild Bunch, Seeking Solutions, Ladies Big Book, Big Book Bunch, How It Works, Ladies Booking It)

Districts present: 2 (21 & 29)

Total People Present: 16

Minutes approved for June 2016

Committee Reports

Treasurer’s Report:

Balance forward from June 2016:                            $2,217.00


Happy, Joyous & Free                    $     5.36

Principles Before Personalities            $   29.50

Monday Night Stag                    $   20.60

Bring Your Own Cup                    $   16.48

Big Book Bunch                    $   20.00

Young People’s AA                    $ 105.00

Total Contributions:                        $ 196.94


Rent (2016)                $ 180.00

Web Chair Reimbursement        $ 119.88

Total Expenses                $ 299.88

Ending Balance for July 2016                            $2,114.06

Reserve for 2016 Committee Budgets

Treatment        $   582.46

Corrections        $   155.63

Hotline            $     20.00

Website        $       1.95

PICPC            $   686.25

Intergroup        $     50.00

Total Commitments:        $1,496.29

**Intergroup’s Balance after Commitments to Committees:                 $  617.77

Thanks to the group that contributed this month! Please mail check to:

Mail checks to:

Lincoln Intergroup        State of Nebraska            GSO

P.O. Box 6366            Area 41                Grand Central Station

Lincoln, NE 68506        2350 P Street                PO Box 459

Lincoln, NE 68503            New York, NY 10163

Respectfully submitted in service, Lindsay B., Treasurer,  402.326.3005

Chair Report: Met with Alternate Chair for voting item. Received news from Bridging the Gap that Area will be adding a tab on the homepage for this. If you want more information about this, contact Cara.

Alt Chair: Met with Chair to prepare voting item. Did research for this item and will present it in old business

Committee Reports:

Central Office Committee: (Neil)

Income     $8,139.25

Expenses     $9,524.52

Gain        ($1,385.27)

Old Business: Search for CSO Board Member continues, especially for females. Board Members are asked to go to recovery community: we need more financial support if you want to keep our CSO.We are not getting contributions like we used to. If you want a CSO, we need AA support. Scott will write an employment ad for the CSO bulletin and possibly for Craig’s List. We will discuss office hours and days next month.

New Business: Our Memorial Plaques will be updated.

Archives Project updates: much progress has been made on this. The construction is nearing completion and members are working on compiling a chronological history of Lincoln’s AA. Items are being collected, cataloged and displays being set up. We expect to draw many people in our local and surrounding areas who will truly enjoy this special experience.

Next Meeting: July 21, 2016

Corrections Committee: Bill O.

Balance: $56.12 (Paid $171.25 to Iron Bar Group at NSP to help defray cost of literature purchased)

City/County Jail: Joe was absent from June Corrections meeting — at that meeting several potential volunteers wrote down names and contact info. Joe contacted all of them and sent apps to those who met the eligibility requirements.

CCCL: Men’s in-house 12 step study on Tuesday nights continues, with a steady core or inmates participating.

D&E: Wednesday night meeting goes well, with attendance fluctuating between 4-20.

RTC: Saturday night meeting has a solid core of 8 inmates with an active chairperson who shows up every week. A new volunteer has been officially cleared.

Old Business: None.

New Business: More volunteer sign-up sheets need to be taken to Intergroup. John S. will do that. Need to collect the April – July disbursement checks from Intergroup, each one for $50.87.

Semi-Annual Spending Report (for Jan-June 2016)

Jan – June rent (to Central Office)        $  30.00

Payment to Iron Bar Group at NSP        $171.25

Total Expenditures:                    $201.25

Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 2

Hotline committee: Not Present

Treatment Committee: Not present

PI/CPC Committee: Jessi H.

Attendance: 3

Balance:     $402.06

  • Gathering items for workshop in November (bios from speakers); will order literature next month
  • Will get information about UNL meeting at next month’s meeting
  • Request from District 32 (Seward) for help/ideas to retain young people. PICPC will help by passing around a list to gather phone numbers to share with District 32. PICPC will update intergroup on how this goes.
  • Will collect half of the disbursement tonight

Website Committee: Sean J.

Made some updates to the meeting list so everything should be good now.

Received his reimbursement

District reports:

District 21: Eric F.

Unity Picnic was good!

District 29: J.R.

Started his rotation with 2 people coming to district meetings, now there are 5-7! They’ll be hosting the second quarter 4 corners workshop in 2017. Not so dark anymore!

Old Business:

Out of date meeting lists

We passed the lists around the table, people highlighted meetings they knew were still going on. Whatever wasn’t highlighted, we talked through. Bernice had a handful of meetings that people agreed to visit (meetings were “assigned”). We’ll be able to update at August meeting and share that information with Central Office in time for the new lists to be printed in September

Hotline Chair — No one willing to stand. Much discussion on what might happen to the availability of the hotline if we don’t find someone to chair that service. Short term solution was suggested for Intergroup members to pass lists around this month and hope to find someone in August meeting. After much discussion, Beth offered to stand. She was voted in and graciously will take over!

New Voting Item: Huddle

Huddle was typed out in a new format to present to groups. IRs are to share the following voting items (#1 first, and if vote is yes, also share #2) with groups. Then will bring it back to Intergroup next month for a vote.

Item #1: That Lincoln Intergroup put on a monthly event for the purpose of reaching out to the Lincoln AA groups about the service structure. This event would be called “The Huddle” and would be held the 2nd Friday of each month at Bryan West. The time would be at 6:30 or 7:00pm and would be determine by the 2nd voting item. And that Intergroup fund this event for a 12-month period starting October 2016 which includes $10 a month facility rental fee equaling $120 a year and a one-time $50 for literature expense and a chairperson’s notebook.

Background: The goal is to provide a venue to present a consistent message to newcomers about AA service in the hope of increasing communication, participation, unity and support for Lincoln AA groups, districts and committees.

Friday, in the 6:30 to 7pm range, was chosen so that Bernice or Eric could attend. The event would be chaired by multiple people over time, but it was felt that the people that proposed the event should be able to attend and facilitate in the beginning. The reason that a 12-month time span is requested is because that is believed to be an adequate time frame to see if the event needs to continue. This would allow time for word to spread about the event and for the format of the event to work smoothly to provide the most relevant information in a clear and concise manner.

Item#2: In the event that Voting Item #1 passes referring to the event called “The Huddle”, that this event be held at either 6:30 or 7:00pm the 2nd Friday of the month from October 2016 through Oct 2017 as the groups determine.

Background: We are asking the groups to do a count of those that are for a 6:30pm time and those that are for a 7:00pm time with the majority being the winner. There was some feedback from the groups about which time would be better so it was decided that the groups should determine the time. Although the 6:30 time is more difficult for the chair people who initiated this event to be there, it can be done and they are willing. Some groups preferred the earlier time so it was easier for people to go to a meeting after. Since this event will be planned in such a way that the chairperson alternates, it behooves us to pick a time that is best for anyone interested in participating either as a participant or chairperson.

New Business:


Meeting closed at 7:52 p.m. and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.

The next meeting is Friday, August 26 @ 6:30 p.m. @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.

Respectfully Submitted,
