Intergroup Meeting Minutes – January 2016

Intergroup Meeting January Minutes – January 27, 2017


Chairman: Bernice

Alt Chair: Eric

Secretary: Edward

Treasurer: Lindsay

Began the meeting @ 6:30 pm following the Serenity Prayer

The AA Traditions were read by: Lindsay


Officers present: 4

Committees present: 2 (PICPC, Web Chair)

Group chair members present: 7 (Big Book Bunch, Lady’s Booking It, Young People, Ladies Big Book, Seeking Solutions, Sunday Night Workshop)

Districts present: 0

Total People Present: 13

Minutes approved for December 2016

Committee Reports

Treasurer’s Report:

BALANCE FORWARDED FROM DECEMBER 2016                $1,965.23



SUNDAY NIGHT WORKSHOP            $  62.00

MONDAY NIGHT STAG                   23.40

BRING YOUR OWN CUP                   29.35

CLOCKTOWER                       55.00

PRINCIPLES BEFORE PERSONALITIES           26.00                        Total Contributions:                $195.00



Total Expenditures:                $    0.00


ENDING BALANCE FOR JANUARY 2017                    $2,160.98



Approved    Less Cash    Final Budgets

Dec 2016    On-Hand

Treatment Committee            $1,055.00    $187.77    $  867.23

Corrections                $   415.00     190.73       224.27

Hotline                    $     20.00                 20.00

Website                $   174.39               174.39

PI/CPC*                $   858.00     227.99       630.01

Intergroup Committee            $    322.00               322.00
Huddle                $    110.00               110.00


Total Budgeted Expenses:            $2,954.39    $606.49    $2,347.90



*Remain $343.12 from 2016 Budget

Thanks to the group that contributed this month! Please mail check to:

Mail checks to:

Lincoln Intergroup        State of Nebraska            GSO

P.O. Box 6366            Area 41 Treasurer            Grand Central Station

Lincoln, NE 68506        16758 Arcadia                PO Box 459

Omaha, NE 68116            New York, NY 10163

**New Treasurer**

Respectfully submitted in service, Lindsay B., Treasurer,  402.326.3005

Chair Report: Bernice S.

  • Met with Eric
  • Visited meetings and shared about the Huddle
  • Learned that Central office will no longer put extra copies of fliers out. If you want a copy, you’ll have to ask for one (files of them on hand)

Alt Chair: Eric F.

  • Went to Central Office monthly meeting to represent Intergroup
    • Learned that CO got a website and that they’ll be trying to sell literature etc, online
    • The office was redone

Committee Reports:

Central Office Committee: Not Present

Corrections Committee: Not Present

Hotline committee: Not Present

Treatment Committee: Not Present

PI/CPC Committee: 4 in attendance

KJ read traditions


  • Dec. minutes were approved


  • Needs to submit our semi-annual report.
  • Talked to Jeff about PSA’s
  • Talked to Bill O. about corrections workshop
  • Talked to IC about 12th step workshop idea. Hasn’t heard back yet.
  • Libraries and interested in Grapevine subscriptions again.


  • Ending balance is $110.99 (wrote Jessi a check)
  • End of 2016 balance was 218.99


  • Will be doing an inventory with Alyssa

Intergroup- See minutes

Old business:

  • PSA’s
  • Need  to plan year.

New business:

  • The Juice is loose!
  • We will be meeting on Feb. 7th next month.
  • GI Workshop.

Website Committee: Sean J.

  • Sean will check to make sure current minutes are online
  • Will renew the URL for 2017 ($20.17)
  • Set up the redirect for
  • Removed some last names that were caught in minutes

Group Reports

    Seeking Solutions – 23rd Anniversary: February 25th @ 13 & F

Speaker: Matt, Omaha

Breakfast at 9am, Meeting at 10am

Old Business:

    • None

New Business:

  • None

Meeting closed at 7:03 p.m. and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.

The next meeting is Friday, February 24 @ 6:30 p.m. @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.

Respectfully Submitted,
