Intergroup Meeting Minutes – February 2017

Feb 2017 Intergroup:
3 Officers attended
3 Committees representative attended
5 Intergroup representative attended
Open 6:30p.m. with Eric
Brock-12 traditions
Bill O-Corrections: Beginning balance of $171.50. Brought three Spanish Big Books at Area 41 for $28.10. New balance $143.40. Still need more volunteers here and there.
PICPC- Alyssa: Jessie talked to the IC. They discussed keeping the new workshop more low-key. Didn’t accomplish much. Has not heard back yet. Submitted Grapevine subscriptions for the libraries. Ending balance of $110.99.
Chair person Bernice: Have flyers to pass around. Huddle 40th and C street at 6:30p.m., every second Friday of the month to discuss if it’s gong to continue.
Eric alt chair, District 21: Central office still give out flyers, but have to be requested.
Website Shawn: Everything up to date.
No new business
Close 7:30p.m.
Next meeting is Friday, March 31, 2017 @ 7:30p.m. at Willard Community Center- 1245 S. Folsom Street.
Respectfully Submitted,