Intergroup Meeting Minutes – May 2017
May Minutes
Open at 6:34p.m.
Attendees: 4 officers
2 Committees
8 Intergroup Reps
3 Dist. Reps
Howard reads 12 Traditions
Secretary minutes: Approved all in favor.
Treasurer report: Approved all in favor.
Alt Chair: Eric “No report”
Chair Person: Bernice “Sam and I did huddle, no one showed up. It will end in Sept. on the 2nd Friday of the month is next meeting at 6:30p.m. at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 40th & C street.
Corrections: Joe $45.03 got their disbursement of $167.16
Need women to take meetings to City Jail.
P.I.C.P.C.: Jesse 5 people attended, spoke at S.C.C got the spot at State Fair. Met with a pastor.
Treatment: Need more volunteers at their meeting on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:00p.m. at Independence Center 1650 Lake Street.
Special Events: Nate “July 4th at Bethany Park got flyers. Need people to volunteer for set up. Raffles donations needed.
Dist. 21: “Unity Picnic on July 30th at Van Dorn Park 11:30a.m.-3:30p.m. Unity in changing time.” Hamburgers and Hotdogs will be provided.
Dist. 22: Lindsey Fall workshop on Oct. 21st still planning on it. No flyers yet.
Lady Book it: 6:00-7:00p.m. used to be on 4325 Sumner street, moved to a new location its now at the Independence Center on Friday nights.
Old Business: Hotline chair vacancy- Elayn Y. is now the new Hotline chair.
New Business: None
Closed at 7:15p.m.
Next meeting is on 06/30/17 at 6:30p.m. at Saint James Methodist 2400 S 11th (Young Peoples) second floor.
Respectfully submitted by