Intergroup Meeting Minutes – July 2017

July minutes

Open 6:31p.m.
Howard 12 Traditions
Secretaries report: Approved
treasures report: Absent
Bernice- Did the Huddle, 2 more times had one person show up.
Corrections: Bill-Balance $157.16, expect disbursement tonight but treasurer is absent. Make two book requests 5 hardback Big Books for D&E, and four paperback twelve and twelve’s for RTC. Both motions approved.
Bridging the cap: Lucy- Going good, looking for men to take meetings to Lincoln Regional Center. For info call Lucy 402-314-9987
Special Event Committee: Nate- Did really good for July 4th $471.20 in sales. Lucy is now a new member of Special Events.
New Business: Effective Aug. 1st Central office needs the phone list for the Hotline because we have not been giving phone lists to Central office for 2 years
Next meeting will be on 08/25/17, 6:30p.m. at Saint James Methodist 2400 S. 11th Street.
Close 7:24p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Edward.