Intergroup Meeting Minutes – August 2017
Aug Minutes
Open 6:33p.m.
Bill 12 tradition
Secretary report- All in favor
Treasures report- All in favor
Adjust treasures report for September make corrections.
Bill: corrections $157.16 balance. No activity to report. Lot of people signing up but a little weak at following thru.
PICPC: Alysha- $243.45 received disbursement, had AA brochures at the County Fair and was unmanned.
Dist 22: October 21 at Saint Mathews will be their workshop, got flyers out.
Treatment: Lucy- Start monthly meeting at the Independence Center $653.29 balance. Workshop 09-17-17 at G.I. How to start a committee, area 41.
Bernice: Did the Huddle this month got one more to go before it’s over. Need budget report for the month to send to Lindsey.
New Business: Central office is collecting names for the Hotline. Met with Central office rep. Work out the Hotline sheet.
Close 6:45p.m.
Next meeting on September 29, 2017 at 6:30p.m. Saint James Methodist Church 2400 S. 11th.
Respectfully submitted by Edward.