District 22 Meeting Notes – July 2018

District 22July 18, 2018

Attendees- Loren, Cece, Lindsay, Sadie, Connie, Trevor, Jack

DCM Report-

  • ●  Area 41 Assembly this weekend
  • ●  Area 41 chair has asked Loren to be part of an ad-hoc committee discussing AreaAssembly frequency and weather to continue the Area Reunion
  • ●  The New Life Group will be disbanding at the end of July due to lack of membershipTreasurer-
  • ●  Beg. Balance- $937.88
  • ●  Rent paid- ($120)
  • ●  End Balance- $817.88Intergroup-
  • ●  District 22 still doesn’t have a permanent IG rep
  • ●  7 people attended Intergroup last month
  • ●  IG treasury- $1,261.83
  • ●  Website chair says committee reports are not being submitted in a timely fashion
  • ●  Corrections Committee- $267.25, needs volunteers for all corrections meetings,especially a male for the Monday night D&E meeting
  • ●  Treatment committee- $381.59
  • ●  Bridging The Gap- Talking about a BTG forum
  • ●  IG discussing using funds to help Central Office print more than one meeting list per year(Central Office has decided to not print a second updated list every year)


● Minutes read and approved

Old Business-

1. November Grapevine Workshop

  • ○  Scott W. confirmed as speaker
  • ○  Sunday Night Workshop may be willing to host a panel
  • ○  Still looking for people who have been impacted by the Grapevine whileincarcerated, hospitalized, in remote areas, or in other ways
  • ○  Have a “craft time” where people can make Grapevine displays or donation jarsfor their groups during the workshop
  • ○  Flyer- get better idea of schedule and events and finalize flyer next month
  • ○  Loren will talk to the Area Grapevine chair about speaking or doing apresentation

    New Business-

    Area Voting Items

  • ●  2018-01-06-006 Agenda: Select host district for 2019 Area Reunion No Vote
  • ●  2018-01-17-011 Literature: Affirm Area action to budget funding for two nights of hotelfor Literature Chair VOTE: 5 in favor- 0 opposed
  • ●  2017-07-23#006 Finance: Amend the finance guidelines to add section on financial auditVOTE 5 in favor- 0 opposed
  • ●  2017-01-08#002 Finance: Provide a secure link to allow Area 41 Reunion registrationsto be paid online VOTE: 4 in favor- 0 opposed

    Group Reports

  • ●  Ladies Big Book Study- doing well, lots of attendance from treatment centers
  • ●  Big Book Bunch- Connie will be stepping down as GSR
  • ●  Wild Bunch- Good
  • ●  Searching and Fearless- GoodClosed at 7:55