Corrections Committee Meeting Notes – August 2018

Corrections Committee – 7 August 2018

Chair: Vacant.

Treasurer: Bill O. Beginning balance $325.20. Paid $30.00 to Central Office for July-December rent, reducing balance to $295.20. Received third-quarter disbursement check from Intergroup, for $57.95. New balance is $353.15. 

City County Jail: Joe G. Still looking for more volunteers, both male and female, to take meetings into the facility. If you are interested in being a volunteer, contact Sherry K, extension 24155.

Community Corrections Center, Lincoln (CCCL): Joe G. The Tuesday night men’s in-house Twelve Step study continues, sometimes with ten to twelve inmates in attendance.

Diagnostic & Evaluation Center (D & E): Bill O. The Wednesday night continues to go well, with attendance on the rise. A potential volunteer to help Bill on Wednesday night has submitted an application, which is being processed. A volunteer is still needed for the Monday night meet-ing. If you are interested in being a volunteer at this facility, contact Pastor Price at (402) 471-3330. 

Residential Treatment Community (RTC): Bill O. The Saturday night meeting continues to go well. Bill and the other volunteer are still looking for a part-time volunteer to fill-in for them when they are unable to attend due to other A. A. service commitments. If you are interested in being a volunteer at this facility, contact Paige V. 

Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC): Joel E. A new volunteer has been cleared to start going into the facility. 

Old Business: None. 

New Business: Joe requests three paper Twelve and Twelves for CCCL. Motion made and passed. 

There was also a discussion of some of the issues involving A. A. in the local state prisons. The hope is to present these issues to the state director of prisons.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, 4 September 2018, at 6:00 p.m., Room 3A, The Meeting Place, 28th and S Street.