District 22 Meeting Notes February 2019
District 22
February 20, 2019
Loren, Ron, Scott, Connie, CeCe, Lindsay, Jack
●Planning to go to WCRAASC March 1st
●December balance (updated)- $1,194.82
●Contributions- $86.95
●February balance- $1,281.77
●Balance- $4,838.98
●Corrections needs volunteers
●Special Events committee is meeting on the first Wednesday of every month
●February workshop was a success
●Treatment committee purchased Grapevine subscriptions for 6 facilities
●Matt C. is the new IG webmaster
●January minutes read and approved
Old Business-
●District officer contact list was made and sent to district members
New Business-
Voting items for April Area Assembly
2019-01-12-04 Agenda: Agenda: Area 41 select host District for 2020 Area Reunion.
Background: Page 23 Section IX -Area 41 Activities A 1 b. Bids should be presented to the Area Committee for selection at an Area 41 Business Meeting more than twelve months prior to the Reunion in question. (VOTE)
Agenda Item 2018-10-13-020 Finance: Select a site for the 2021-2022 Area 41 Business Meetings. (VOTE)
Agenda Item 2017-07-23-007 Finance: Amend the Finance Guidelines to add the following
procedure for a treasurer vacancy: If the Treasurer becomes vacant during an Area Assembly, the Area will elect an interim treasurer to serve until an election can scheduled. If the Treasurer becomes vacant in-between assemblies, the Area Chair will appoint an interim treasurer to serve until an election can be scheduled. (VOTE)
Background: In January 2017, the Finance Committee began the process to create an ad-hoc committee per the Area 41 Service Handbook to review the Area 41 Finance Guidelines. The ad-hoc committee presented its report at the July Finance Committee meeting and the Finance Committee decided to submit several agenda items to consider the recommendations of the ad-hoc committee. One of the recommendations was to add a procedure for handling the vacancy of the treasurer as there are day- today responsibilities in-between assemblies, including managing the bank accounts, depositing contributions and making distributions to officers and committee chairs.
Agenda Item 2018-10-14-018 Finance: Allow contributions to Area 41 to be made online. (VOTE)
Background information: In the last few years, Area 41 has allowed sales for Literature and Grapevine to be made via credit card. In July, the Area voted with substantial unanimity to allow Reunion registrations to be made online. There is currently not a mechanism to accept 7th Tradition contributions electronically. The Finance Committee discussed benefits being that there wouldn’t be a recurring fee to Area 41, just a transaction fee; added convenience for members, including some that have requested such a function; this could be done through a secure site to protect the financial information. The committee
didn’t see a downside to allowing this. Language could be mirrored from GSO that asks the person to confirm they are a member/group before proceeding with their contribution.
Agenda Item 2018-10-14-017 Finance: Amend the Finance Guidelines to add “An officer or committee chair will make every attempt to not overdraft their bank account. If an overdraft occurs, the Treasurer will request the officer or committee chair reimburse Area 41 for the fee.”
Background information: An overdraft requires funds to be redirected from Area 41’s work to pay bank fees. Area 41 has already made significant cuts to the budget to reflect our current financial situation and we do not have an allowance for bank fees. Paying overdraft fees is not a prudent use of 7th Tradition contributions to Area 41. In addition, when an account is overdrafted, the perception is created that Area 41 does not manage its finances and may create an impact to the perception of AA as a whole.
2016-10-16 #001 Agenda: Procedure for appointment and re-evaluation of appointed positions. Area 41 appointed positions serve a term of 6 years. Current appointed positions are Taper (Recorder), Archivist, and Webmaster. This applies to any further appointed positions as determined by Area 41. These positions are appointed by the Area 41 Chairperson and confirmed by a 2/3 vote of the Area Assembly. Terms for appointed positions begin as of date of approval of this action. After the 6 year term of service, the Chairperson shall evaluate those willing to serve and appoint accordingly, confirmed by a 2/3 vote of the Area Assembly. The Chairperson has the option of calling for the appointment to the position to be reconsidered, based on Scope and Responsibilities, this will be confirmed by an affirmative 2/3 vote of the Area Assembly. (VOTE) Background: Currently, all appointed positions, “…serve as long as they are willing and able.” (Section IV, B., 4.; “Area 41 Service Handbook”) Currently, appointment processes vary. The Archives Committee
oversees the work of the Archivist and may, “recommend to the Area 41 Chairperson that a new Archivist be recruited.” (Section V, B., 2., d.; “Area 41 Service Handbook”) The Website Committee has oversight to, “Appoint and oversee the work of the webmaster.” (Section V, B., 13., c.; “Area 41 Service Handbook”) The Report and Charter Committee is charged to, “Oversee the work of the Newsletter, Registrar, and Taper Service Positions,” (Section V, B., 10., b.; “Area 41 Service Handbook”) but no process for selection or removal
is stated. Tradition 9 states rotating leadership is best. All are to be guided in the spirit of service. Concept 4 states there is another good reason for “participation”, and this one has to do with our Spiritual Needs. Concept 9 states that, good service leaders, together with sound and appropriate methods of choosing them, are at all levels indispensable for our future functioning and safety.
Discuss these with your groups for Voting in March
-Start looking for ideas/suggestions for District Workshop in October
-Ladies Big Book Study will be donating a Grapevine subscription to a facility
Group Reports
●Men’s Stag- Good, retreat coming up in March
●Searching and Fearless- Good
●Ladies Big Book Study- Well attended, going well. Looking for a babysitter, contact Lindsay if interested.
Closed at 7:25