PICPC Committee Notes 2/12/19
PICPC Committee Notes – 2/12/19
Luke read traditions
Secretary (Kjerstin E.): Kjerstin read old minutes. Minutes were approved and 2nd.
Chair (Alyssa W.): Alyssa brought the PICPC workbooks to look through with the committee and determine work to do in the upcoming year.
Treasurer (Luke H.): Total balance is $170.86. Luke got a debit card for the account. Will be ordering a literature rack for the VA.
Literature (Jessi H.): Jessi completed doing inventory on the literature, and completed making packets. She also got the Lincoln public libraries (2) 2-year subscriptions to The Grapevine.
Intergroup (Chris L.): Gave the intergroup report from January’s meeting. Corrections still desperately needs help in both men and women’s.
Old Business:
- Jessi hasn’t heard back from Susan, the representative from EAP for the city. She is still waiting for her response.
- Cindy will reach out to First Plymouth about Stephen’s Ministry needs.
New Business:
- Luke will purchase a literature rack for the VA for $26.
- Jessi and Erika are going to speak to nursing students at Wesleyan on 2/19.
- Jessi got in touch with the training coordinator at the juvenile detention center, who passed on her contact info to the staff training coordinator.
- Looking at the PI Workbook:
- Alyssa is going to reach out to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission and see what sort of literature would be helpful.
- Kjerstin will talk to Jeff H. about the public service announcements.
- Jessi will reach out to the Lancaster county fair about having a literature rack at the fair.