District 22 March Minutes

District 22

March 20, 2019


● Loren, Dawn, Lindsay, Scott, Ron, Jack, Amy, Trevor, Connie


● Attended the WCRAASC in Minnesota in March

○ GSO general manager Greg T. spoke and answered questions

○ GSO is looking at software solutions for ASL interpretation

○ Discussion of the AA LinkedIn page, it’s impact and ability to make AA available

without breaking traditions

● Loren will be using a new email address- district22dcma41@gmail.com use this to

correspond with the DCM


● Beginning balance- $1,281.77

● Disbursements- $(334.23)

● Contributions- $110.00

● Balance forward- $1,057.54


Feb. 28

● Treasury

○ Beginning Bal- $4838.98

○ Contributions- $497.20

○ Ending Bal- $5,336

● Corrections needs volunteers

● Special Events held an Open Mic Night

● Treatment is planning an October workshop

● Matt C. is still getting familiar with the website

● District 21 is hosting a Pizza Party Funshop this Saturday

● District 29 had the Back to Basics anniversary last week

● Intergroup needs a new Secretary

● A flyer detailing Intergroup’s needs will be coming soon


● Feb. minutes read and approved


● Ask groups for workshop ideas

● We discussed working with other districts to have a series of workshops based on

service positions (being a new GSR, how does district and area work, etc.)

● We will reach out to other districts about this

Old Business

● Start a list of which facilities are receiving Grapevine subscription donations

● April 2019 Area 41 Voting Items

○ 2019-01-12-04 Agenda; Select host district for 2020 Area Reunion.

-Trusted Servant

○ 2018-10-13-020 Finance; Select site for 2021-2022 Area 41 Business Meeting.

-Trusted Servant (we would like more info/clarification on size of meeting space)

○ 2017-07-23-007 Finance; Guidelines for electing an interim treasurer.

-Pass 6-0

○ 2018-10-14-018 Finance; Allow contributions to Area 41 to be made online. (We

would like more info on what fees Area would pay for transactions) -Pass

depending on fees

○ 2018-10-14-017 Finance; Guidelines for overdraft of Area officer or committee

chair bank account. -Pass 6-0

○ 2016-10-16#001 Agenda; Appointment and re-evaluation of appointed positions.

-Pass 5-0

New Business

● None

Group Reports

● Men’s Stag- Good, retreat this weekend

● Searching and Fearless- Good

● Sunday Night Workshop- Good

● Wild Bunch- Stellar!

● Ladies Big Book Study- Rockin It!

● It’s Gotta Be 5:00 Somewhere- very full

Meeting closed at 8:00