Intergroup minutes 3/29/2019
Attendance: 13
Traditions read by Brandy
Minutes read and approved
- Starting balance $5336.18
- 4 contributions made or a total of $166.40
- Expenses were $319
- Bank balance is $5,502.58
- Starting balance $411.08
- Volunteers still needed
- Attendance has slightly picked up
- The Forensic unit at the Regional Center would like to have a meeting brought in
Special Events
- Open mic night was a success
- A profit of approximately $100 was made
- Workshop on spirituality tentatively plan for May 18th
- The rent deposit for Bethany Park was paid to secure the park for the 4th of July picnic
- Beginning balance of $ $122.87
- Subscriptions to the Grapevine we’re given to the following; the Bridge, St Monica, Touchstone, Alcohol and Drug Solutions and 2 subscriptions were given to Lutheran Family Services
- The committee is still brainstorming on a topic for their October Workshop
- Beginning balance $62.86
- The Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Commission and the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired were contacted to see what type of literature would be helpful for them
- Chris brought packets of the CPC pamphlets for people to take a look at and take with them if they wanted to
- Matt asks if he could make changes to improve the speed of the website and also change the theme
- Committee agreed to allow Matt to make changes as he saw fit
- Matt’s email address is
- Nothing to report
Old business
- Charlie will find out about the $326 contribution to special events
- Steve U. Sent a summary of the alcathon ended with a balance of $1,294.79 Attendance at the alcathon was smaller than expected
- The Loft worked out well for the alcathon
- The food was well-received and enjoyed
- Steve will be unable to do the alcathon next year and we’ll pass it on to the special events committee
- Intergroup is still in need of a secretary but we do have a couple of possible candidates and they plan on showing up for our next meeting
New business
- Bill brought up the new meeting guide technology app licensed by AWS
- The app will be available in the future through the gso website
- Instructions on how to use the app can be found at
- A spirited discussion was started about the app what all it could and could not do and if the Intergroup was interested in using it.
- It was brought up that in order to use the app we must have our meetings on a database which brought up further spirited discussions
Business meeting ended at 7:40
Yours in service
Scott W.