District 22 April 17, 2019

● Loren, Ron, CeCe, Jack, Connie, Scott, Trevor, Robin, Sadie

DCM Report-
Area 41 Business Meeting (April 13/14)-

● Flyers are out for the Area Reunion June 21,22,23
● Loren R. is the new Area Webmaster
● GSO is starting discussion on a 5th edition of the Big Book
● GSO is reviewing the approved limits for individual contributions and bequests
● Conversation about using FaceTime or other teleconference options for members unable
to attend meetings and what traditions that may break
● Al-Anon is requesting AAs attend their reunion speaker July 20th in Columbus
● The Area Finance committee is donating books for groups affected by flooding
Area Voting Results
● 2019-01-12-04 Agenda- Select host district for 2020 Area Reunion; Tabled until July
● 2018-10-13-020 Finance- Select site for 2021/2022 Area 41 Business Meetings; Grand
● 2017-07-23-007 Finance- Treasurer Vacancy Guidelines; Pass
● 2018-10-14-018 Finance- Allow Online Contributions to Area; Pass
● 2018-10-14-017 Finance; Officer or Committee Chair Account Overdraft Guidelines;
● 2016-10-16 #001 Agenda- Appointment and Re-evaluation of Appointed Positions; Pass

● Beginning Balance- $1,057.54
● Contributions (5)- $241.82
● Dispersements- (-$70)
● Working Balance- $1,159.36


Intergroup minutes 3/29/2019

Attendance: 13
Traditions read by Brandy
Minutes read and approved


● Starting balance $5336.18
● 4 contributions made or a total of $166.40
● Expenses were $319
● Bank balance is $5,502.58


● Starting balance $411.08
● Volunteers still needed
● Attendance has slightly picked up
● The Forensic unit at the Regional Center would like to have a
meeting brought in

Special Events

● Open mic night was a success
● A profit of approximately $100 was made
● Workshop on spirituality tentatively plan for May 18th
● The rent deposit for Bethany Park was paid to secure the park
for the 4th of July picnic


● Beginning balance of $ $122.87
● Subscriptions to the Grapevine we’re given to the following; the
Bridge, St Monica, Touchstone, Alcohol and Drug Solutions and 2
subscriptions were given to Lutheran Family Services
● The committee is still brainstorming on a topic for their October


● Beginning balance $62.86
● The Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Commission and the Nebraska
Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired were contacted to
see what type of literature would be helpful for them
● Chris brought packets of the CPC pamphlets for people to take
a look at and take with them if they wanted to


● Matt asks if he could make changes to improve the speed of the
website and also change the theme
● Committee agreed to allow Matt to make changes as he saw fit
● Matt’s email address is matthewgcookson@gmail.com


● Nothing to report

Old business

● Charlie will find out about the $326 contribution to special
● Steve U. Sent a summary of the alcathon they start out with a
balance of $1,294.79 and ended up with a loss of $335.21
● Attendance at the alcathon was smaller than expected
● The Loft worked out well for the alcathon
● The food was well-received and enjoyed
● Steve will be unable to do the alcathon next year and we’ll pass
it on to the special events committee
● Intergroup is still in need of a secretary but we do have a couple
of possible candidates and they plan on showing up for our next

New business

● Bill brought up the new meeting guide technology app licensed
by AWS
● The app will be available in the future through the gso website
● Instructions on how to use the app can be found at
● A spirited discussion was started about the app what all it could
and could not do and if the Intergroup was interested in using it.
● It was brought up that in order to use the app we must have our
meetings on a database which brought up further spirited

Business meeting ended at 7:40

Yours in service
Scott W.

● March minutes read

● Conversations ongoing with DCMs about working together on the fall workshop, Dist. 29
has shown interest
● Ask your groups about workshop ideas
● Looking at the list of suggested workshop topics from GSO

Old Business-
● None

New Business-
● There should be a list of places that have received a Grapevine subscription in Lincoln,
we should ask Intergroup to work on this

Group Reports-
● Men’s Stag- Good, the retreat was a good time
● It’s Gotta Be 5:00 Somewhere- Still going strong
● Wild Bunch- Stellar, there was cake at the 27th anniversary last week
● Sunday Night Workshop- Going Well, having conversations about safety in meetings
● Everyone’s Group- Small but steady
● Searching and Fearless- Good

● Ladies Big Book Study- Going well, attendance is good, may still be looking for a

Meeting closed at 7:30