Treatment Committee 5/19/2019

Members present -Jim J. -Tony -Charles -LaDonna -Brandy -Jim J. 

Old Business-Workshop (will come back to at end of meeting) 

Treasury (Tony)-Currently have a balance of $122.77. Brandy asked for funds; should get them tonight. 

Bridging the Gap-Jim J. came to the Independence Center and The Bridge and presented Bridging the Gap. 

Literature (Charles)-No change. Same as last month. 

Treatment centers-Per Jim A., Telemedicine connects intervention nurses with hospitals in other towns to do evals and such for opioid related treatment. Feds fund it. He will be doing a Bridging the Gap presentation sometime this month with staff of Independence Center. 

Workshop Ideas-Time frame/schedule 

-We brainstormed on what exactly to have the workshop on. Thinking the 20th of October at 11 00 am so we can catch the Sunday Morning Hope crowd. 11 00 am would give us one hour for set up after Hope. We need volunteers. 

Topic-Bill talking about intergroup 

-Sponsorship -Main headline “Transitions” From straight out of treatment to being Ok or in a good spot -Audience would be possible sponsors/sponsees 

-How to be a sponsor and how to choose a sponsor. How to pass it on. 

-Invite treatment centers 

Think of speakers 

Closed the meeting with Serenity Prayer 

Next meeting 6/9/2019