Intergroup 08/29/19
Attendance: 16 present
Moment of silence, Serenity Prayer.
Traditions read.
Minutes read; 2 updates needed to be made to 07/25/19 minutes. Minutes approved after changes requested.
- Beginning balance: $7,353.69
- (2) group contributions, totaling $277.12; (2) expenses, totaling $249.63
- Ending check book balance: $7,381.18
- Ending bank balance: $7,631.18
- Available funds (checkbook balance less remaining budgeted funds): $4,612.73
- Committee budgets are needed by November; if no budget is received, the treasurer will submit same budget as 2019.
- Balance is $155.35
- Volunteers for all committees (see Corrections report for specifics)
- Immediate need at Diagnostic & Evaluation Center
- Next committee meeting is September 3 at 6 pm in Room 3A at the Meeting Place
Special Events
- Committee met in Aug.
- Open Mic night planned for Oct 19 at 6 pm at the Meeting Place
- 6:30 food (planning for vegetarians included)
- 7:30 speaker: Bambi
- 8:15(ish): open mic
- Flyer is being updated and will then be sent to Web Chair.
- Committee working on holiday party and Alcathon; hoping to reach out to districts for a chili-feed cook-off
- Balance is $179.64, disbursement has been received; balance will be updated at next meeting
- Workshop will be Oct 20 at 10:30 at the Bridge (after the Hope meeting)
- Brunch
- Topics include sponsorship
- Next committee meeting is September 8 at 1 pm in the Independence Center basement
- Not present
Hotline –
- Aug stats available, working to get last quarter stats
- August calls were all info-related, no 12 step calls.
- Answer service used to be a flat rate ($120/mo)
- 3 years ago, switched from flat rate to per call rate (0.45/incoming call, then $0.45 per outgoing call to connect to volunteer.
- Experience has been it can take multiple attempts to connect to volunteer, up to 10 attempts
- Discussion held regarding information calls only
- Discussion held regarding possibility for automation – probably wouldn’t save much money and would need dedicated volunteer base to be available at all times.
Web Chair –
- Paid host and (1) domain for (3) years; 2nd domain will be paid
- Discussion of treasurer getting debit card to store in website information for future debits
District Reports
- District 3: Not present
- District 21: Not present
- District 22:
- Fall workshop details (flyer is forthcoming)
- Nov 10 from 12:15 – 4
- H.O.W. We Overcome Fear: Using Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness
- (3) speakers
- Taco Bar
- Bring side/dessert
- Fall workshop details (flyer is forthcoming)
- District 29:
- Balance: $468.09 after expenses for workshop
- New meeting in District
- Discussed Area items
- Chris P moderated a workshop at the Forum
Old Business
- Alcathon funds are now in Intergroup’s treasury
- Should the Alcathon and Special Events budgets be held in a separate section, or lumped into Intergroup’s general treasury?
- Motion made and passed to table this item until Special Events Chair and groups can add input
- Hotline: See Hotline Chair report
New Business
- Reviewed remaining months for Holiday conflicts with Intergroup meetings; following months have updated meetings:
- October = Intergroup will meet on Oct 24 at 6:30 (Halloween conflict)
- November = Intergroup will meet on Nov 21 at 6:30 (Thanksgiving conflict)
- NOTE: Elections for 2020 – 2021 will be held this month
- NOTE: Committees will need to provide budgets to Intergroup Treasurer
- December = Intergroup will meet on Dec 19 at 6:30 (Christmas conflict)
- NOTE: Voting for committee budgets
- Flyer to be made and disbursed with updated meeting times and elections
Meeting closed at 7:33 pm.