District 22 Dec. 18, 2019
Attendees- Loren, Ron, Lindsay, Meghan, CeCe, Taylor, Jack
DCM Report- Nothing to report
Treasurer’s Report-
Balance- $1,096.40
December 2019
Attendance, 16
Checkbook balance $6,730.77
Available balance $5,521.61
Corrections, no changes still need volunteers
Special Events,
Open mic night was a success
Holiday party was Dec 14th
Everything is ready for the Alcathon
Treatment committee workshop was well attended
Committee renewed Grapevine subscriptions
PI/CPC, not present
Hotline, committee is being formed
Website, not present
Old business, next meeting is December 19th
New business, elections
Intergroup chairperson, Sandra A
Alternate chairperson, open
Secretary, Taylor
Treasure, Sarah R
Web chair, Charlie S
District 3, not present
District 21,
New DCM, Dawn S
Intergroup rep Mike B
District 22,
New DCM, Lindsey B
Intergroup rep, Meghan K
District 29,
DCM Scott W
Intergroup rep, open
November minutes read and approved
Workshop- Nothing to report
Old Business-
District Officer binders ready to hand out in January
District bank account transfer is in progress
On topic of spreading the message to residents of local nursing homes, Dist. 22 is ready
and willing to assist any group looking for information on taking meetings or literature
into local nursing homes/assisted living facilities.
New Business-
January Dist. Meeting moved to Wednesday Jan. 8 th to allow voting on items at Area Jan.
12 th . (Motion to move Dist. Meeting date made and approved by vote.) Normal third
Wednesday schedule will resume in February.
Pizza Party to welcome new GSRs at January meeting-
o Casey’s Pizza
o Cookies
o Loren will bring everything
Notify groups and intergroup of new Dist. 22 treasurer (Loren R.) and provide address
for disbursements.
Group Reports-
Monday Night Stag- Needs a GSR, membership is strong with newcomers showing up.
Searching and Fearless- Great
Ladies Big Book Study- Doing good, need to find a “Mother in Charge” for childcare.
Clocktower Women’s Big Book- Held their first business meeting, LeAnn C. is the new
Meeting ended at 7:40
Secretary’s Note- Thank you all for allowing me to serve as Dist. 22 Secretary for the last two
years. I have gained valuable skills and even more valuable relationships through this
opportunity to serve, my sobriety and serenity have been strengthened for it. -Yours in service,
Jack V.