District 21 – April 2011

April 17th, 2011

12 Traditions read by Jay D.

Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael .):
Treasurers Report (Jay D.):

Beginning Balance $394.37

In Spiritual 19.50
Out $10.00 (rent)
10.00-Total out

Ending Balance 403.87

Intergroup Liaison Report (Emily S.): she did attend, notes not here, given from memory.

Balance-$3.000.00 (ish) They would like groups to decide how to spend. Take back to groups. A “What does intergroup do?” event was suggested as one means to spend the money.

Special events-speaker chosen Kerrigan C. for 4th of July

Central office board-attended, Marcella got a laptop, and is now online.

Treatment committee- did not attend.

PIPCP-doing stuff but not there

Corrections-did not attend. Ron R. is the chair.

Hotline- has a lot of numbers not answering or not valid, try to get a new list out to people, lists can be obtained at central office. You can also get forms to take to group.

DCM report:

Meeting visits: Visited Spiritual Actions and Wed. night speaker meeting.

Bridging the Gap-new website: www.bridgingthegapnebraska.org. DCM gave GSRs new forms for bridging the gap at March 2011 district meeting. GSRs, distribute and return forms to Amy today, at next district meeting. 1 year of sobriety, full names will be on list.

Amy will be working with other Lincoln DCMs, starting in May, to create a new agenda item on district boundaries for Lincoln/Lancaster County districts that will comply with new Area 41 District boundary guidelines.

Messages from Area 41 committees, etc.-

Area 41 Corrections Chair needs information from groups/districts about corrections meetings (day/time, facility, contact person) to create a statewide database for corrections/meetings. This will also aid the committee in targeting their efforts to the facilities that have the least/none meetings. Please email Amy with this information or bring information to the next district meeting.

GSR Reports:

  1. Pocket of Enthusiasm (Steve U..): not present
  1. Sufficient Substitute (Sam R.): Kari H. filled in for the business meeting, made disbursements, they have input for the unity picnic, attendance the same.
  1. Women’s Circle of Friends (Jennifer R.-at retreat, e-mailed DCM this report): Women’s Circle of Friends continues to have 20-30 women each week with about 1/3rd of them coming from St Monicas and Independence Center. Yeah!

Please mention the Area 41 Treatment Committee Workshop for June 11th, more details to come and fliers too.

  1. Young People’s (?): Virginia resigned as GSR because of family obligations. No word yet on new GSR.
  1. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.): Nothing has changed, good attendance, more inpatient attendees recently. Everyone had a good time at spring fling, $50.00 contribution given to District 21. Currently filling June and beyond slots for speakers. Let Tom know if you are interested in speaking.
  1. Spiritual Actions (Emily S.): Not too much going on, held their quarterly business and speaker meeting a couple weeks ago. The group is considering holding some sort of special event in the futre. The group’s special events committee is brainstorming about ideas right now.
  1. Seeking Solutions (Jon R.): Jon is sick today.
  1. The Steps We Take (Linda S.): Meeting is moving on May 4th to new meeting place: 11th and Garfield at Calvary United Methodist. 1610 S. 11th St. Not much to report, the group has grown a bit. New meeting address has been updated with Central Office, the new address has already appeared on some meeting lists.
  1. 11th Step Group (Jackie S.): Not present.
  1. Sat. Morning Men’s (Greg A.): Not present.

District 21 Business

Old business:

  1. District boundaries/Adhoc committee. See DCM report.
  1. Tom: Flyer for “recovery based” event that is not AA was distributed at the Spring Fling. Called “ United for Recovery”. Amy: district can have no opinion on this, since this is non AA and is affiliated with Region 5 and First Step Recovery Center.

No further action has been taken with this item.

  1. Amy: Would groups be interested in some kind of Unity event (e.g. Unity Picnic)? Please check with your groups to see if there is any interest. Sam wanted to know if it would be hosted as a district 21 only event, and whether the purpose is to bring the groups together. Amy says the answer to these questions is “yes”. In this case, Sam said Sufficient Substitute would support this effort. They just didn’t want to support this if it were more of an intergroup function, but this is not the case.

Amy’s idea is to have group members (not necessarily GSRs) speak about “Something special or unique about our groups”, or similarly “strengths of groups”. She asked the GSRs what they think is their group strength:

Tom (Cafeteria Group) said their group has been around for 40 years, and has had opportunities to serve clients of the Independence Center throughout this time.

Sam (Sufficient Substitute) values the solid core group of people in her group. In addition, this group serves the rural community and are very strong in the traditions.

  1. Open positions, secretary filled and alt-DCM has not been filled DCM is pregnant and the baby is due Oct 20th . Amy is still planning to attend the September and November 2011 Area 41 Assemblies, but it may be wise to have a back-up plan to ensure our district will be represented at Area.
  1. For the September Area 41 Assembly, our district is responsible for the coffee booth. The booth needs to be manned from 7:30AM to 8PM. There may be a couple of breaks throughout the day. It also needs to be manned on Sunday morning. GSR’s will be busy, and DCM can’t man this. At the last Area, the hosting district brought alternate GSR’s to man the booth, and funded an extra room for this purpose.

The question was raised: “How many people do we need to man this?” Answer: probably 3 or 4, so people can have breaks.

Motion: That district 21 will pay fund a room for volunteers to come and help with the coffee booth. The first asked would be officers and alt GSR’s or people already going,

Amended motion: The funding should also include gas for 1 vehicle to make the trip, receipt required for gas costs. Amendment voted on and passed.

Amended Motion passed: 4 favor; 0 against.

New business:


Closed with the Serenity Prayer.

Next business meeting will be held May 15th, 2011