Intergroup – April 2011

Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506

Chairman: Kirk
Vice Chairman:  Bob B.
Secretary: Brian D.
Treasurer: Dick S.

Began the meeting @ 7:00 pm
The AA Traditions were read by: Ronnie B.

Roll was taken:
Officers present: 3
Committees present: 4
Group chair members present: 8
District present: 3

Minutes approved for March 2011

District reports:

Bernice (03) – Started a meeting at the meeting place that incorporated a newcomer meeting and how it’s going, if anyone is interested the meeting is held on the 2nd Tuesday at the meeting place, 7pm. Last meeting went good about 15 attendees.

Ron R. (22) – No report

Amy W. (21) – No report

Albert S. (29) – No report

Treasurers Report:  

Balance forward: $3603.09
Contribution: $19.50 – Spiritual Actions
Expenses: $70 – PO Box
Ending working Balance: $3552.59
Prudent res: $200.00

Thanks to the groups that contributed.
Mail checks to:
Lincoln Intergroup
P.O. Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Respectfully your servant, Dick S., Treasurer

Committee Reports:

Central Office Committee: Jim C. – Next month members from Central Office Committee will be hitting other meetings to spread the hot line sign-up sheet around. Spring Fling brought in around $1800 in sales, and also folks were having trouble finding location of spring fling but next year should be much better for that.

Lincoln AA Corrections Committee:  Ron R. – No report

Hotline committee:
101 Calls
76 Meeting calls
20 Volunteer calls
5 General calls
There were a total of 53 patched calls to cover the 20 vol. calls.

MEMBERS: if you will notice there are numbers and information on the back of the sign-up sheet to further assisting the groups and our responsibilities.

PI/CPC Committee: – 1st meeting last month to get this off and running. Balance for committee is $732.21. The meeting will be held on the 15th at the Hi way dinner at 3pm the month of May. Any question contact Jeff H. or Amanda C.

Treatment Committee: Cody S. – No report

Website Committee: Ron E. – March 2011 Webstats
1675 visits to the site – 10% down from last month
4651 – Page views
56% – were meetings

Special Events Committee: Matt C. – 4th of July is around the corner and Kerrigan Z. will be our speaker. Balance of $975, and the next meeting is held on the 15th of every month at the Hi way dinner at 1pm.

Old Business: Intergroup funding:

New Business: It was brought up that we really need to put intergroup funding to use and a few discussed some ideas of what should be done. Some ideas were unity picnic, a service workshop. It was suggested that a workshop be put together on the basis of doing an inventory on intergroup and central office on how to better serve. Dirk agrees with the workshop but it needed to pay attention on approach.

Bob M. made a motion to have intergroup and central office inventory on how we can better serve. Dirk 2nd the motion.
4 in favor
1 opposed
Discussion was to take back to the groups to discuss their thoughts.

For more info on all committee reports visit

Meeting closed at 8 PM, and we all gathered for the Lord’s Prayer

The next meeting is May 27th @ 6:30 @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.

Pleased to be at your service:  Brian D