District 21 – February 2011

February 19th, 2011

12 Traditions read by Emily

Officer Reports

Secretary’s Report (Amy W.): Approved as read.

Treasurers Report (Jay D.):

Beginning Balance 736.50


$10.00 (rent)
$97.94 (Area 41 reimbursement-DCM)
$23.75 (workshop-literature)
$53.00 (workshop-donuts)
$26.00 (workshop-mileage)
$210.69-Total out

Ending Balance $544.81

Intergroup Liaison Report (Emily S.)
Special events-Christmas party went well, discussing speakers for 4th of July picnic
Central office board-did their inventory, IRS made changes to make things easier. Board elections were held. Marcella needs computer.
Treatment committee-new small treatment center-trying to determine the level of AA involvement that is needed.
PIPCP-defunct. But Amanda is getting it started.
Hotline-Brian C. is new chair.

DCM report:

o Meeting visits
o Records

GSR Reports:

1. Pocket of Enthusiasm (Brandon W.): Attendance has been steady.

2. Sufficient Substitute (Sam R.): FINALLY got an alternate GSR. Attendance has been up and down.

3. Women’s Circle of Friends (Jennifer): not present.

4. Young People’s (Dan C.): Doing about the same.

5. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.): Same attendance-about 40. Cafeteria group has purchased the hospitality room for Spring Fling.

6. Spiritual Actions (Emily S.): Meeting is good. Attendance has been steady. All positions are filled.

7. Seeking Solutions (Jon R.): Solid attendance. 80-90 every Saturday. Speaker at 10am. New touchstone chair-Cynthia H.

8. The Steps We Take (Linda S.): Meeting size is about the same, roughly 10. 5 scholarships for Spring Fling. Seriously thinking about moving to Calvary Methodist church, at 11th and Garfield.

9. 11th Step Group (Jackie S.): Going good, over 30 in attendance usually. Lots of newcomers.

District 21 Business

Old business:

1. District boundaries/Adhoc committee

2. Workshop: Introduction to AA-February 19th, 2010. 9 am– 12 pm. 25-30 in attendance. One probation officer, one person on probation. Speakers were great. Tom will talk with  Independence Center correspondent to find out why the patients did not come as expected.

3. Open positions. Secretary and alt. DCM. Still open.

4. Hospitality room for Spring Fling. Linda’s group is interested in helping.

*Motion: That District 21 will co-host a hospitality room with the Cafeteria Group for the Spring Fling, and that interested groups in District should participate in this, and District 21 covers half of the charge, which is $50. 6 for 1 against. Motion passes. Interested parties should contact Tom,

5. Area 41 Voting items:

AGENDA ITEM: 2011-1-22, #001, Remote Communities Vote

Change the name of the Remote Communities Committee to the Special Needs and Accessibilities Committee.

9 for.
0 against.
Item passes.

AGENDA ITEM: 2011-1-22, #002, Report & Charter Vote Guidelines for Re-Districting Discussion-item says “must” all over the place. Districts should not be told what they have to to. Does not uphold inverted triangle. Districts should be telling Area what to do, not Area telling Districts what to do.

2 for.
6 against.
Item does not pass as is, district as a whole wants to pass the item if the “must” wording is changed (e.g. to should).

AGENDA ITEM: 2011-1-22, #004, Finance Vote

Raise the mileage rate for Area 41 from $0.15 to $0.20 per mile.


Item passes.

AGENDA ITEM: 2011-1-22, #006, Web Site Vote

Area 41 accepts the Website Guidelines as written and supported by your Area 41 Website Committee.

Discussion-there were 9 for.
0 against.
Item passes.

AGENDA ITEM: 2011-1-22, #007, Agenda Vote

Select an Area 41 District to host the Area 41 2012 Reunion

7 for.
0 against.
Item passes.

AGENDA ITEM: 2009-09-19 #033 Vote

Area 41 shall meet three times per year in the months of March, July and November, beginning in 2013. The Reunion shall continue to be held in June.

Discussion-concern with the gap of time between November and March, so new committee chairs wouldn’t meet until March. Suggestion-have a January meeting every other year, the year following the elections.

This change would make one Area meeting prior to Delegate going to the GSC, and it would be hard to move voting items to GSC that would prove difficult.

Moved directly to a vote without becoming an agenda item.

Concern for farmer participation in July, due to wheat harvest.

With all of these concerns, district feels this item should go back to committee to explore.

Although the voting item has a good intent,

Item failed.

AGENDA ITEM: 2010-03-27, #11, Agenda Vote

Review the concept of Area 41 4-Corner’s Workshops to decide if they are still viable and, if so, develop guidelines for timing, location, format, content, participation, and cost.

Discussion-there is no action with this voting item, it calls for a review which is what the committee should do. Workshop costs (hotels, food) will vary by region.

For: 0
Item Failed.

New business:


Next business meeting will be held March 20th, 2011