District 21 – November 2010

November 10th, 2010

12 Traditions read by Jennifer R.

Officer Reports

Secretary’s Report (Amy W.): approved as read.

Treasurers Report (Jay D.):

Beginning Balance $419.28


10.00 (rent)

Ending Balance $409.28

Intergroup Liaison Report (Jon R.)-not present

GSR Reports:

1. Pocket of Enthusiasm (Steve U.): GSR and alt. GSR will both be starting a college class Wed. night in Jan., 2011, which is the night of the business/regular meeting.

2. Sufficient Substitute (Sam R.): Anniversary will be held December 2nd at 6:30 pm. Madeline B. will be speaking. Attendance is slowly growing. Sam R. went to the additional W.C.R.R.F. and said it was outstanding.

3. Women’s Circle of Friends (Jennifer R.): 20-30 women, 1/3 are from treatment centers. Four scholarships available for Lincoln AA Christmas Party.

4. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.): Attendance is good, a solid core group of people. Increase in treatment center attendees.

5. Young People’s (Carie S.): Carie is at a Thanksgiving dinner and was unable to come to the district meeting this month.

DCM Report (Amy W.):

DCM volunteers needed to man coffee booth at 2011 Area Assemblies. We would like to participate. Amy will contact Kit to find out how we can help. Surveys: Amy will email the latest survey about going from 4 to 3 Area Assemblies a year. Anyone who is interested in Area Assemblies may fill out the survey. These are due to Bill O. no later than Jan. 10th, 2011.

District 21 Business

Old business:

1. District boundaries-

Motion: to table district boundary map business until Area 41 guidelines are set. Rescinded motion: That this district forms an ad-hoc committee be created to further research district boundaries. 4 for, 0 against. Motion passed.

2. Trabert Hall–see new business.

New business:

1. Workshop for 1st quarter, 2011?? Motion: to have an Introduction to AA workshop at Trabert Hall in the first quarter at Trabert Hall. 3 for, 1 against. No minority voice. Motion passes.

2. Open positions. Secretary and alt. DCM have been open. We determined Intergroup rep is now open since our IR has not showed up to give report in several months). There was an approved group conscience to ask Emily S. if she wants to run for Intergroup Rep. Jay will ask her. GSRs should make announcements at their groups that we have three open positions.

3. Ad-hoc committee for district boundaries-Group conscience decided Amy W. and Tom B. will definitely serve on this committee, additionally, Jay D. and Sam R. may also serve on this committee if they are able to do so.

Next meeting will be December 19th 2011