District 29 – December 2010


Opened at 6:31pm.

Traditions read by Albert S.

4 officers present, 3 meetings present; Friday Night Eagle, Life Preserver and Back to Basics.

Treasurer’s Report: John V. gave report. Balance of $226.27. Rent will be paid in January, $40 came in from Back to Basics.

Secretary’s Report: None.

Intergroup Report: 3officers, 2 districs, 4 committees present. Hotline preparing new sign up sheet.

DCM Report: District boundary re-allignment is presently tabled. One voting item at January’s

Area 41 business meeting, budget. Area 41 now meeting in Columbus. Discussed items in committees. Spring fling has room for four hospitality rooms total. Possibility of one per  Lincoln district.

Old Business: None.

New Business: None.

Closed at 7:03pm with serenity prayer.

Next meeting is Tuesday, 1/11/11.