District 21 – September 2010

September 19, 2010

Start 4:32 pm

12 Traditions read by Brian D.

Officer Reports

Secretary’s Report (Amy W.): Approved as read w/ correction
Treasurers Report (Jay D.):
Beginning Balance 478.33


$10.00 (rent)
$50.00 (District 22-Delegates Report)

Ending Balance 418.33

Intergroup Liaison Report (Jon R.)-not present; Brian subbed for Jon R. Treasurer stepped down, so they are in need of a treasurer.

GSR Reports:

  1. Pocket of Enthusiasm (Steve U.): Attendance steady, great speakers, going fine, school that they meet in had $17,000 of computer equipment stolen.
  2. Seeking Solutions (Jon R.): not present.
  3. Spiritual Actions (Emily S.): not present.
  4. Sufficient Substitute (Sam R.): Still looking for an alternate GSR. May have one that will run, but haven’t had a business meeting yet. Things are going smooth.
  5. Women’s Circle of Friends (Jennifer R.). 20-30 women every week; will keep childcare, even though no kids are coming except for Jennifer’s daughter. Own members will watch the children instead of paying a babysitter.
  6. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.): Attendance has been up. People like the round tables.
  7. Practical Applications (Brian D.): Changed from closed to open meeting. Lincoln AA list still has them at the Walt Library. Brian is looking into this. The new location is 4000 Sheridan BLVD. at Grace Chapel. Attendance is up.
  8. Young People’s (Carie S.): not present.
  9. Wed. noon at R.O.C.C. (Toni A.): Going fabulous. Always needs speakers. About 30 people.

DCM Report (Amy W.):
Area 41 report:
Group contributions records-see handout

  • Make sure your group’s contributions are listed. Note: Seeking Solutions GSO contributions are not being credited to their group.
  • Reminder: groups can now make online contributions to GSO via online check.

What other districts are doing—newsletters, subcommittees of districts

Messages from committees-
Secretary: If DCMs (really GSRs) want GSO Agenda items/background sent to them, let Charlie Staple know.

Corrections chair: would like names of local corrections chairs.

Treasurer: Have groups put District, Area, and group number on their checks. These three items will help accounting at all levels (Area and GSO).

Registrar: Ask if groups are getting their GSR kits. Issue with changing group names in GSO database.

Etc. Need an Area archivist; buy literature through Area 41 whenever possible.

Treatment chair: needs contact info for anyone doing treatment chair work.

Alt. Delegate: Reminder about move to Columbus.

Website listings for our district:
Meeting listings on Area 41 web-See handout. Make sure your meeting is listed correctly.
Intergroup (lincaa.org): we are up-to-date with our minutes posting, and our event flier has just been added to the events page.

Grapevine-due Nov. 1st. Can fill out online at Area41.org on main page. Give to Amy at next district meeting, or bring to Nov. Area Assembly, or mail to Leon.

Area inventory: See handout.

3rd Survey will be out soon-pros and cons of going to 3 Area Assemblies/year instead of 4.

District 21 Business
Old business:
1. District 21 Fall Workshop-

Workshop will be held October 9th at 1pm, at R.O.C.C. It will cost $50.00 for rent. The theme of the workshop will be: “Continuing to grow in AA”.

The subtopics and potential speakers are listed below:

Step 1 (John M.)
Honest, Open mind, willingness (Carol W.)
Accepting life on life’s terms (Jennifer R.)
Improving our conscience contact with God (Otto S.)
Principles before personalities (Greg W.)

We discussed food. We will ask our groups to help with this and will discuss this at the September business meeting. How should we organize this now? Jennifer has two people that will bring dessert.
Brian, Sam, Toni, Jennifer, Tom and Pat, 12-5.

Pat: Cups, plates, plastic ware, napkins.
Brian-will bring a coffee urn from Pockets.
Toni A.–will bring ice and 2 pitchers.
Tom B.-will bring a coffee urn from the Cafeteria Group, respectively.
Amy: 6 foot folding table, NesTea, creamer, sugar, fruit tray, big cookie tray from Jennifer-will bring a veggie tray.
Sam will bring 2 ice tea coolers. One will be for water; one will be for ice tea.

Tom, Toni and Jennifer-will try to find out if Independence Center clients can come.
Jennifer- will try to find out if St. Monica’s clients can come.
Amy W.- will try to find out if Touchstone clients can come.

Amy W. Will MC. Blurbs will include “why do we put on workshops”, “what do districts do”, “what are districts, groups, Areas, etc?” .

Transportation for people in treatment centers. If needed, Brian D. and Jon R. may be called on for transport, Pat may also be called as a back-up plan. Let Amy know if you are willing to transport to this event.

Sam’s C

2. District boundaries. Amy has created “Central Feature” maps. See handouts. This discussion was tabled until next month.

3. Voting items for upcoming Sept. 11-12th Area Assembly.

Agenda item #005: Purchasing of an FM transmitter kit and covering Area expenses of a translator.

District 21 voted against this item. (0 for, 4 against).

The item passed at the Area level-24 for, 13 against; no minority voice.

Voting item: #008-funding of 2 area officers to attend additional West Central Regional Forum

District 21 voted for this item. (3 for, 1 against).

The item passed at the Area level-32 for, 0 against.

New business:
1. Open officer positions.
a. Our secretary has resigned. We will look for a new secretary. Computer literacy would be helpful for this position.

b. Our alternate DCM has been a no show, no call for three consecutive months.

Motion: District 21 considers the position of alternate DCM as open, and we begin the search for a new alternate DCM, pending confirmation with alternatate DCM.

Vote: 5 for, 0 against.

Motion passes unanimously.

2. DCM’s new name/contact info (Amy was married recently): Amy Wright. 900 Eastridge Dr. Lincoln, NE 68510, email and phone the same

3. Issue with voting schedule for November assembly. We will be unable to discuss the November Assembly voting items as a district prior to us voting as a district. Amy will email the voting items to GSRs/Officers, and will also have these at the workshop. We will vote on these at the October 15th district meeting.

The next District 21 meeting will held be on October 15th, 2010 at 4:30 pm.