District 21 – October 2010

October 15th, 2010

Start  4:35 pm

12 Traditions read by Sam R.

Officer Reports

Secretary’s Report (Amy W.): approved as read.

Treasurers Report (Jay D.):

Beginning Balance 478.33


10.00 (rent)
$215.05 (sp. Actions,Suf. Sub., Wed noon and living sober)
$95.63 (DCM-Area 41-Sept, 2010)
$19.66 (Copies)
29.61 (workshop snacks)
50.00 rent for the workshop
205.10-Total Out

Ending Balance $419.28

Intergroup Liaison Report (Jon R.)-Jon not present. Emily reported. Still need a new treasurer.

Corrections drivers to pick CCCL, they no longer have to attend the workshop. They just have to submit to a background check. Emily gave report for our district since our Intergroup Liaison was not present.


GSR Reports:

1. Pocket of Enthusiasm (Steve U.): Not present.

2. Seeking Solutions (Jon R.): Not present.

3. Spiritual Actions (Emily S.): They have their own treatment committee, corrections committee and special events chair, but they no longer have a corrections or special events  chair, so they will hold a special business meeting to elect new officers for these positions. They just made contributions. Everything going well.

4. Sufficient Substitute (Sam R.): Still looking for an alternate GSR. Anniversary is coming up. They will have a dinner/speaker and Sam will have more on that next month. The Anniversary will be in December.

5. Women’s Circle of Friends (Jennifer R.) Not present

6. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.): Not present

7. Practical Applications (Brian D.): Not present

8. Young People’s (Carie S.): Anniversary is coming up, they will celebrate their anniversary  the last Friday of this month. There will not be a flier but there will be cake. They are  supposed to have a raffle on the speaker nights, but this has not been occurring. No one  seems to care. Ali W. will be the speaker at 8 pm on 10/29. They finally got bank account.

9. Wed. noon at R.O.C.C. (Toni A.): not present

DCM Report (Amy W.):

Area 41 report:

Group contributions records-see handout,

o make sure your group’s contributions are listed. Note: Seeking Solutions

GSO contributions are not being credited to their group.

o Reminder: groups can now make online contributions to GSO via online check.

What other districts are doing—newsletters, subcommittees of districts

Messages from committees-

Secretary: If DCMs (really GSRs) want GSO Agenda items/background sent tothem, let Charlie Staple know. Corrections chair: would like names of local corrections chairs.

Treasurer: Have groups put District, Area, and group number on their checks. These three items will help accounting at all levels (Area and GSO).

Registrar: Ask if groups are getting their GSR kits. Issue with changing group names in GSO database. Etc. Need an Area archivist; buy literature through Area 41 whenever possible, Treatment chair: needs contact info for anyone doing treatment chair work.

Alt. Delegate: Reminder about move to Columbus.


a. Grapevine-due Nov. 15th. Can fill out online at Area41.org on main page. Give to Amy at next district meeting, or bring to Nov. Area Assembly, or mail to Leon.

b. Area inventory: See handout.

c. 3rd Survey will be out soon-pros and cons of going to 3 Area Assemblies/year instead of 4.

District 21 Business

Old business:

1. District 21 Fall Workshop-good feedback, great speakers, 30-40 in attendance.

2. District boundaries-new map completed. Give Amy feedback from groups.