Central Service Office – June 2011

Lincoln Central Service Office Board of Director’s Meeting
June 16, 2011
Amended – 9/13/11

Open With Traditions: Craig

Attendance: Eric, Marcella, Gary, Jim, Craig, Dru, Klara

Minutes: Approved

Treasurer’s Report:

Income: $8,412.63
Expenses: $5,724.41
Gain: $2,685.22

President’s Report: Jim K.

Intergroup Report: Kirk was absent so Jim K. gave report.

Office Manager’s Report: Marcella
a. Total office calls in May: 182; 12 step: 4

Old Business: None

New Business: Bernice with District 3 attended the meeting and requested information regarding the structure of Inter-Group.

Next Board Meeting: July 21, 2011