Intergroup – June 2011

Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506

Chairman: Kirk
Vice Chairman: Bob B.
Secretary: Brian D.
Treasurer: Dick S.

Began the meeting @ 6:35 pm
The AA Traditions were read by: Matt Collins

Roll was taken:
Officers present: 3
Committees present: 5
Group chair members present: 6
District present: 0

Minutes approved for May 2011

District reports:

Bernice (03) – No Report

Ron R. (22) – No Report

Amy W. (21) – No Report

Albert S. (29) – No Report

Treasurers Report:

Balance forward: $3675.00
Contribution: $155
Expenses: $0
Ending working Balance: $3830.09
Prudent res: $200.00
Thanks to the groups that contributed.

Mail checks to:

Lincoln Intergroup
P.O. Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506

Respectfully your servant, Dick S., Treasurer

Committee Reports:

Central Office Committee: Jim C. – Patient from the Lincoln regional Center called the office and wanted someone to bring him, his 18year medallion. Craig and Gary volunteered to purchase and deliver the medallion. Board members are visiting groups and asking for people to sign up for the hotline.

Lincoln AA Corrections Committee: Ron R. –Balance $408.49, CCJ – nothing new to report, is checking to see about starting a new meeting at LCF. CCCL – the in house 12 step study is going well attendance is up. Drivers no longer need to take an orientation class for taking inmates to outside meetings. All they need to do is fill out an app. And undergo a background screening. Call if interested 471-0740. Joe G. due to abundance of money at Intergroup proposes Corrections Committee put on a workshop with the Treatment Committee, explaining their purposes. Next meeting will be held July 5th 2011, at 6pm, Room 2A, The Meeting Place, 28th and S street.

Hotline committee:
Calls – 65
Meeting calls – 44
Volunteer calls – 19
General calls – 3

MEMBERS: if you will notice there are numbers and information on the back of the sign-up sheet to further assisting the groups and our responsibilities.

PI/CPC Committee: – No meeting in June, and possibly July due to absent members. August will be 13th at 3pm Hwy Diner. They have been checking with places that need literature. Maybe looking into a workshop professionals would attend, more info later.

Treatment Committee: Parker filled in – Asked for funding to help with rent, literature etc. a motion was made by Ernie and group in favor of dispersing $260 to help out Treatment Committee.

Website Committee: Ron E. –
Visits to the site – 1355
Page views – 3414 down a little from previous months.
60% meetings
20% home page
4% events page

Special Events Committee: Matt C. – 4th of July is around the corner and Kerrigan Z. will be our speaker. $953.53 is current balance. Everything is lining up well for the picnic, and if any meeting are willing to donate for the raffle show up on the 4th at Bethany Park. Flyers are out! 17th of July is the next meeting, at 1pm Hwy Diner.

For more info on all committee reports visit

Old Business: What to do with the funding. Ernie voiced some concern about the participation of group reps; the only way Intergroup can help is by the participation and your voice! Others agree but there doesn’t seem to be any solution because we just can’t force attendance. Dick S. for the 1st couple of years says he has never even heard of Intergroup so it seems that it’s not an important part of AA. Mike stated that he was wondering if people just forgot Intergroup existed. Jessie W. mentioned a list of intergroup reps emails and sending out a reminder of when the meeting is coming up just to help eliminate forgetfulness. Ronnie, web chair, says he can have them go into the web site and be added on a list to be reminded. So if anyone is interested in this go to website and add your email.

New Business: Jim C. stated that there was a call from a patient at the Lincoln Regional Center requesting a meeting be brought out to them.

Meeting closed at 7:20 PM, and we all gathered for the Lord’s Prayer.

The next meeting is July 29th @ 6:30 @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.

Pleased to be at your service: Brian D