District 21 – June 2010

June 20th, 2010

Officer Reports

12 Traditions-Carrie S. @ 4:35

Secretary’s Report (Matt S.): Approved as read

Treasurers Report (Jay D.): District 21 meeting rent is $10.00 a month

Beginning Balance $404.33


10.00 Rent

Ending Balance $394.33

Intergroup Liaison Report (Jon R.) Emily a possibility for intergroup liason

Treasury- $1942.52 ending balance

Webpage-Traffic down, meeting list most attn

Special events- Looking for items for raffle at 4th of July, volunteers still needed for 4th of July

Hotline- Looking for hotline chair


PICPC- No one knows

Central office-needs board members

Next meeting June 25th

GSR Reports:

  1. Pocket of Enthusiasm (Steve U. out of town): No Report
  2. Seeking Solutions (Jon R.): John absent, no report
  3. Spiritual Actions (Emily S.): Quarterly business meeting July 1st with quarterly speaker Renee S.
  4. Sufficient Substitute (Sam R.): Still looking for alternate GSR, looking at fliers for meeting to see if it’s connecting with newcomers
  5. Women’s Circle of Friends (Jennifer R.): No Report
  6. 11th Step Group (Reni B.): No Report
  7. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.): No Report
  8. Practical Applications (Brian D.): Moved to Grace Chapel at 40th and Sheridan, but will remain in district 21.
  9. Young People’s (Carie S.): Trying to find of bank. Next business meeting Friday June 25th
  10. Let’s Hear IT (Abraham S.): No Report
  11.  Brown Baggers (Alley W.): Have had a treasurer and donate to Central Office. Working to get them to donate to all the places. Alley is not GSR but trying to facilitate relationship between district 21 and brown baggers.

DCM Report (Amy Z.):

  1. 1. Amy visited the following meetings since the last district meeting
    Friday Night Young Peoples
    Cafeteria Group
    Women’s Circle of Friends
  2. Amy help plan and also attended a meeting (the first for this rotation) with all Lincoln DCMs (Chad O.-District 22; Bernice S.—District 3, and Luke F.—District 29). We discussed the “defining the district boundary’s” task (see new business). We also discussed the possibility of arranging a time/place for the Delegate to give his General Service Conference (GSC) report in Lincoln, in upcoming months (see new business).

District 21 Business

Old business:

  1.  There is a concern that District 21 needs to be more accountable to groups concerning the treasury.
  2. District 21 Workshop planning-Workshop will be held October 9th at 1pm, with a general topic of “progression in AA”. Still need to find a place to have it. 13th and F is a minimum $100 and it will have to go through approval with church council. At Christian outreach, they are happy to have it and it will cost $50.00. Location is also available. We will have it at Christian outreach.
  3. Delegates Report: When should we have the Delegate give his report here in Lincoln? Update: Leon is coming on August 14th. More details later.

New business:

  1. New district boundary ideas.
  2. Voting items for upcoming Sept. 11-12th Area Assembly. We discussed these. Will vote on these at the August 15th district meeting.AGENDA ITEM #005, 2010-1-16, Report &Charter, VOTE.
    Area 41 purchase one low-wattage FM transmitter kit at a cost of approximately $200 to be assembled by past delegate John S. for the purpose of facilitating simultaneous translation of the Area meetings/workshops, purchase a suitable microphone for use with the transmitter, and provide funding in the Chairperson’s budget for purchase and maintenance of equipment and for reimbursement of normal mileage and hotel room expense for a translator.

    AGENDA ITEM: #008, 2010-1-16, Finance, VOTE
    Recommend that the Area consider funding and participation at the Additional West Central Regional Forum to be held in Rapid City, SD on Nov. 12-14, 2010. To fund only 2 Area 41 Officers and one has to be the Delegate orthe Alternate Delegate.