Intergroup – September 2011

Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506

Chairman: Kirk
Vice Chairman: Bob B.
Secretary: Brian D.
Treasurer: Dick S.

Meeting called to order by Vice Chair Bob at 6:33 p.m.
The A.A. Traditions were read by Ron.

Roll was taken:
Officers present: 2
Committees present: 5
Group chair members present: 7
Districts present: 3

Minutes approved from August 2011 Intergroup meeting as posted online.

Treasurer Report: Dick

Balance forward: $3700.84

In: $86.00
Saturday Morning Men’s ($20)
Seeking Solutions ($65)
Monday Night Stag ($1)

Out: None

Ending Balance: $3,786.84

Reviewed outstanding contributions and deposits. Reported bank statement matches checkbook.

District 3: Mark
Reported that elections are coming up.
The district is still putting on a newcomer meeting at the Meeting Place on the second Tuesday of every month starting at 7:30. Reported meeting is going well.

District 21: Emily
Reported a balance of $320.41.
Reviewed voting items and reported the district DCM went to went to meetings.

District 22: Chad O.
Reported balance as of 8/1 was $1102.91.
District will be voting to approve proposal for changing district 22 boundries. If approved, the change would affect only one group.
Will be voting on new officers and committee members in November.
Planning to hold on GSR workshop.
Ongoing discussion regarding Intergroup and the preception of each group of how important it is.

District 29
No report

Central Office: Jim
Reported on amendments to the July and June meetings minutes and reviewed budgets.
Reviewed August report and reported the committee is looking for board members to fill
the role of alternates. For those interested, the meetings are the third Thursday of the month at the Central office starting at 7:00 p.m. Call Marcella for more info. Requirements including submitting a resume detailing the candidates experience in A.A.  Three year term.
Duties including attending monthly meeting; if member has to leave the group, an alternate would take over for the spot. This committee is comprised of 7 members.
Plans to bring a more detailed Treasurer Report to a future meeting.

Corrections Committee: Ron
Reviewed balance from the past two months.
There’s a need to set up meetings held in the city/county jail. Please contact Joe and other committee members if interested in helping.
Recently purchased books from Central Office for LCF Big Book Study.
Chad expressed interest in partnering with Treatment Committee to do a workshop that will inform people of the purpose of the committees and as a chance to meet people who are new to A.A. Would like committees to meet and submit budget request and to hold workshop next year.

Hotline Committee: Brian
96 calls
70 were for meeting info
26  were 12 step
34 people did not answer which is fewer than normal but all calls were eventually answered that were patched to volunteers.
Handed out new sign up sheets for the next rotation and asked members to take lists to meetings and return next month.
Reminded those who are interested to read the back of the sign up sheet for additional information and stressed the importance of volunteers being available at the times they sign up for.  The next rotation starts in November and goes through January.

PI/CPC Committee: Jessica
No meeting last month due to conflicts. Next meeting is the 2nd Sunday of the month. Everyone is welcome.

Treatment Committee: Parker
Reported elections are coming up next month and expressed interest in working with Corrections Committee.

Website Committee: Ron
Website has been updated to the WordPress platform which will make updates and site maintenance easier. Site functionality has changed but it still has all the same features and information as the old site. Stats will be reported during next month’s meeting.

Old Business
Discussed the question regarding holding A.A. anniversary parties and stated that Intergroup does not usually hold them.

New Business

Meeting adjourned. The next Intergroup meeting will be held Friday, October 28, at 6:30 p.m. at the Willard Community Center, 1245 S. Folsom St., Lincoln, NE.

Minutes submitted by Ron on behalf of Brian (Secretary).