District 29 – January 2012
January 10, 2012
Opened at 6:36 pm.
Traditions were read by Steve B.
3 Officers Were Present
DCM – Albert S.
Intergroup – Matt C.
Secretary – Sheila H.
4 Meetings were Present
Back to Basics Group
Friday Night Eagle Group
Life Preserver Group
Lincoln Foxhall
Secretary’s Report:
December 12, 2011 Minutes were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
The balance amount was unavailable at this time.
Rent is paid through March 2012 (1st quarter)
Still working on changing the checking account over to a new bank account.
District 29 donations need to be brought to the District 29 meeting until further notice. District 29’s PO BOX is no longer available as the post office that it was at is now closed. It is unknown if the Post office box was relocated or if the District needs to open a new one. Once this information is known the treasurer will notify the District.
Intergroup Report:
The balance is unchanged $3,819.78
Central office reported a loss of $711.19 in November
Central office is still seeking two (2) alternate Board Members. Minimum requirement of five (5) years sobriety and must submit a resume.
Christmas Party took a loss of $444.60
Special events committee still needs people seeking service positions.
Special events committee meets the third (3) Sunday of every month at the highway diner at 1:00 pm.
Budget requests from Corrections, Treatment and PI/CPC were all approved.
DCM Report:
Nothing to report at this time.
Old Business:
Continue to talk to groups that District 29 is still seeking people to serve as Alternate DCM and Alternate Intergroup representative.
All GSR’s were to take Area voting items from November back to their groups to vote on for the Area 41 meeting in January.
New Business:
Voting Items for Area 41 January Meeting
2012-01-22, Finance Vote
Proposed 2012 Area 41 Budget.
Opened for discussion
Voted unanimously FOR this Item
2012-01-12, #014 Report & Charter Vote
GSR Workshop shall be an assigned Service Position within the Area 41 Agenda Committee.
Opened for discussion
Voted against until there is clarification (3-1)
2012-01-22, #017, Report & Charter Vote
Scope and Responsibilities
Opened for discussion
Voted unanimously AGAINST this item until there is clarification
Group Reports:
Back to Basics Group – Stacy N
The group attendance is maintaining. They have been ramping up for their annual anniversary event that will happen the 2nd Monday in March.
Friday Night Eagle Group – Albert S.
Attendance is consistent with 14-15 people; they continue to have a speaker meeting the first Friday of every month.
Life Preserver Group – Steve B.
Steve is the newly elected GSR for this group. They are averaging 30-35 people with quite a few new comers. The group has lots of fun, good fellowship yet still very serious. The group shows that you can still have fun and be sober.
Lincoln Foxhall – Sheila H
The group is officially now a registered group. They are averaging 35-40 people.
Closed at 7:25 pm. With the serenity prayer.
Next Meeting will be held February 14, 2012 at 28th and “S” streets 2nd floor at 6:30 pm.