District 22 – February 2012
District 22 notes for February 15, 2012
Opened with a moment of silence and the Serenity Prayer
Jessi W.-Traditions
In attendance; Jessi W., Thomas W., Krjesten E, Kelli J., Mike E., Seth H., Ron R, Ron R
DCM: Michael E.- Area Notes; Pass, Fail, Pass
Mike E visited 7/36, 2 no longer exist,
Alternate dcm: Jessi W visited 5/11
GSO possibly at end of March
Thomas W-Treasurers report-Beginning of month $1140, no prudent reserve; Current $1005.95
Jessi W.-Intergroup; Dis. 3 looking for DCM
Dis. 22 doing well
Hotline soon going up
PI/CPC Committee-April 24th 6-8pm WRKSP at Independent Cen.
Web visits up a lot
Update anniversary
Possible Newcomer orientation for Dist. 3
Discussed Prudent Reserve, Rent.
PR. $850 (Official)
Disbursements going to Central Office, GSO, & Area (Evenly disbursed).
*New Business*
Voting Items
1.Discussed Boundary Lines; Even though a boundary moves do the groups stay registered in the same districts?
Dist. 22 Passed 2012-01-21 7-0
Grapevine/Chili Cookoff WRKP, Center for People in Need, Ron A.
Current Budget:$105. Gas for Ken B. & Ron A., rent, plates, cups, silverware etc.
May 12 starts at 12 pm
Would like to get as many groups as possible. Need volunteers & money.
KJ motion to collect money and if short come back to Dist. 22;
Seconded by Ron R.
Pass, 8-0
Group Reports; Ron Ra.; Stag, smaller, were plugging along
KJ; Sunday WRKP, New Set up chair, nothing too exciting
Kelli J; First 164, Moving to a new room, increased payment,anniversary coming up
Ron Ro; Rainbow Nothing new, changing mtg time possibly
Thomas W.; W.B. Going good more numbers, Trying to get a service
spkr once a month
Motion to Close; Ron Ra., Jessi W. 2nd.
*End of Meeting*