District 29 – March 2012

March 13, 2012
Opened at 6:32 pm.
Traditions were read by: Matt C.

4 Officers Were Present
DCM –  Albert S.
Intergroup – Matt C.
Secretary – Sheila H.
Treasurer – Luke F.

2 Meetings/Committee’s were Present
Friday Night Eagle Group
Lincoln Foxhall Group

Secretary’s Report:
February 1, 2012 Minutes were read and approved
Treasurer’s Report: Luke F.    Balance $286.48

  • EIN number has been obtained for District 29.
  • New bank account set up.
  • $286.18 from the old account has been deposited into the new account.
  • New Balance $528.18
    • Check Disbursement:
      • $21.00 for new checks for the new checking account
      • $211.12 DCM Area Trips (November, January and March)
      • $10.50 Rent until May
    • Contributions received
      • $49.00 Belmont Group
  • PO Box is $48.00 per year and will be set up by Treasurer when time permits.

Intergroup Report: No Report
DCM Report: See Attachment A

District 29 DCM Report (Attachment A)

Area Report
Public Information Committee

  • State Fair – Shane has sent ½ of the $600.00 rent for the rental booth at the State Fair.
    • This will be a table with literature on it.  No one will be manning the booth.
  • Hotline – Since January the Area Hotline has received 63 calls.
    • 30 were from women
    • 26 from men
    • 5 wanted to talk to someone
    • 1 Hispanic caller was patched to Omaha because the Hotline is not equipped to handle Spanish speaking callers.
  • Labels – we ordered 1000 colored labels at a cost of $45-$52.  To be used by Area or the groups to label material for public use.

General Service Conference Committee Agenda items:

  1. Agenda
    1. Protecting AA Future
  2. Cooperation with the Professional Community
    1. To replace their DVD with a new one would cost about $1,350.00
  3. Corrections
    1. To remake the “It Sure Beats Sitting In A Cell” would cost ^60,000.00 – $80,000.00
  4. Finance
    1. Increase the conference delegate fee to $1,200.00 – $1,500.00.
      1. Area already contributes $1,500.00 and has since they wanted to increase it years ago.
      2. Also some of the money the groups send to GSO goes toward this cost
  5. Grapevine
    1. Sunset proposal
      1. Material that is not a popular item will be saved in 1 format (Book or Digital)
      2. If someone wants a copy they will be able to purchase it at an increased cost ($50 vs. $10)
  6. Report and Charter
  7. Treatment/Special Needs-Accessibilities
  8. Trustees
  9. Archives
  10. Literature
  11. Policy/Admissions
  12. Public Information
  13. International Conventions/Regional Forums

 Area Vote (41 Eligible Voters were Present)

  1. Agenda item 2012-01-21 Lancaster County New Boundaries for Districts 3, 21, 22, 29 and 32.
    1. Item passed 36 – 0
  1. Agenda item 2012-03-10 003 Host for the 2013 Area Reunion.

Discussion:    At first there were no bids.  Questions regarding why we have the Reunion and how many people it takes to put on the event were brought forward.

        Bids came from Districts:   21 & 22, 14, and 23

The bids went for a show of hands and the District with the most votes got the bid.

District 23 (Omaha) 4 Votes

District 21 & 22 (Lincoln) 11 Votes

District 14 (Valentine) wins the bid with 21 Votes

Old Business:
Continue to talk to groups that District 29 is still seeking people to serve as Alternate DCM and Alternate Intergroup representative.
Mike E. ~ attending District meetings and groups seeking financial and physical support for a proposed Grapevine workshop.
District 29 voted for a donation in the amount of $15.00 to the Grapevine workshop to assist with Raffle items. Check was made to District 22 who is the bank for this workshop.

New Business: Discussion regarding the Grapevine issues.
Group Reports:
Friday Night Eagle Group – _Eric H(Friday 8:00PM ~ Eagle)

  • The meeting continues to have 13-14 people in attendance.  No recent new members to the meeting. And had a  good speaker meeting.

Lincoln Foxhall Group – Sheila H. (Monday 7:30PM ~ Lincoln)

  • Lincoln Foxhall is now part of District 3

Closed at 7:25 pm. With the serenity prayer.
Next Meeting will be held April 10, 2012 at 28th and “S” streets 2nd floor at 6:30 pm.