District 21 – March 2012
District 21 Agenda
12 Traditions read by: Tom B.
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael F.):
Treasurer’s Report (Jon R.):
Beginning Balance: $383.84
In none
$25.00 for workshop
$42.92 area expense
$10.00 rent
$4.00 paper
Ending Balance: $308.25
Intergroup Liaison Report (Tom B):
(for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org)
DCM report (Jennifer R.):
I was able to attend the March 2012 Area Assembly in Columbus. It was nice to see many District 21 GSRs and Alternate GSRs attend as well.
Saturday morning I attended the Area 41 Corrections Committee Workshop and gave feedback to the committee from our district regarding the Corrections Power point Presentation. Tom B from Cafeteria Group pointed out that on Slide 5, Titled “How is AA Organized,” should have the Groups listed first, followed by the Districts, Area, then GSO. The committee agreed and made this correction. The revised Corrections power point presentation is going forward as a voting item at the September Area 41 Assembly.
**Becky N. asked if the power point presentation was conference approved, Jennifer will check and let us know.
I gave the “Women’s Circle of Friends “ Group History to Al, Area 41 Archives. District 21 now has 2 Group History’s in their book. The other Group History was from “Two-Fers.”At the Area 41 Workshop – the General Service Conference Agenda Items were discussed as our Delegate, Kit J needed Area 41 feedback to take to New York . There was so much discussion we had to come back at 9:30 pm to finish. It was a late night.
VOTING Items from Area 41 Assembly:
AGENDA ITEM 2012-01-21 002 Report and Charter: Area 41 accept new boundaries set by districts 3, 21, 22, 29 and 32: PASSED UNANIMOUSLY by Area 41 36 to 0 **note, currently Dist 3 and 32 do not have DCMs and are considered “dark districts.”
AGENDA ITEM 2012-03-10 003 Agenda : Select a District to host the 2013 Area 41 Reunion Area 41 voted District 14 to host the 2013 Area 41 Reunion.
Michael E from Dist. 22 had approached me at the time bids were being placed and asked if Dist 21 would join them to put in a bid to host, after consulting a few other Dist 21 GSRs, we decided to put our name in the hat for both our districts to share. District also put in a Bid: Voting Results:. Dist 14 -21 votes, Dist 22/21 -11 votes, and District 23 – 4 votes.
With the help from Area 41 Webmaster and Website Chair Jon E, I was able to “clean up” District 21‘s meetings listed on www.area41.org. I had found that “Seeking Solutions” Group was listed under District 22 in error and we had a Stockton, NJ group listed under Dist 21. I was able to get the “Let’s Hear It Group” removed as it is no longer in existence. I also spent time emailing and calling current Dist 21 group contacts to verify all current contact and meeting
information is current.
I found out we have 2 New Meetings in our District !
Principles Before Personalities (Closed Meeting)
Meets M – F 8am
14th & Otoe in the old Watkins Bldg
A new Womens Meeting is starting at the Independence Center and they meet in room 116 from 5:30-7:00 pm on Tuesday nights. I am not sure what their name is or if they have registered with GSO, but I will find out later.
It’s been a busy last few weeks !
Yours in Service,
Jennifer R.
Dist 21, DCM
GSR Reports:
1. Pocket of Enthusiasm ( Jenni H.): Business meeting voted to move the business meeting 1st wed of every month at 7PM.. Attendance good., new speaker chair in April. It’s a 3 month service position.
2. Sufficient Substitute (Becky N.): Business meeting voted to increase their contribution to $25.00 and are planning a group fellowship sometime this summer. Attendance regular. Speakers are coming from diverse areas.
3. Women’s Circle of Friends (Vickie P ): nothing to report
4. Young People’s (Miranda R.): Not present
5. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.): Attendance good, people are stepping up to speak.
6. Spiritual Actions (Brian C.): Things are good, speaker meeting in 2 weeks, it will be “Big Al.” Checked with group and they believe that history is with the archives but in a different district. ** Jennifer will check and move to Dist 21 if it’s filed in Dist 22.
7. Seeking Solutions (Nancy S. ): Had the anniversary was well attended. Attendance is solid, changed the layout of the meeting environment, changed the location of the literature.
8. Steps we Take: (Chris C.) Nothing to report, everything is going well.
9. 11th step (Jackie S.): Not present
10. The Wednesday noon luncheon group (Margaret N.) Not present
District 21 Business
Old Business:
1.) Group History Reports? No reports to turn in.
2.) Grapevine Workshop – please distribute flyers to your groups Becky N. (Sufficient Substitute) concerned that the precedent being set that this (Dist 21 contributing $25 to workshop) was not brought back to the group level for a vote. It was agreed that this was an excellent point and would be followed in the future whenever possible.
3.) Unity Picnic – a.) choose a desired date and a back up date.
Becky N mentioned sufficient substitute thought that Van Dorn park was very nice and if they had a choice they would prefer a cooler month and their group is willing to do anything in order to contribute.
-Big Pig and Cornhusker are in August.
-Not a great deal of activities happening in June or July other than Area Reunion and 4th of July picnic.
-It seems a bit soon for May, Fathers day is in June and Mothers day in May.
-Area 41 meets Sept 8th & 9th
**We are looking at 2 different dates, at VanDorn park, July 22 or July 29, 2012. 10:30AM (set up with meal at 1:00 ) to 5:30PM. Will check on availability and let us know if both dates are available.
b.) choose a desired location and a back up location:
VanDorn Park is the location we would like as it has an enclosed shelter and backup to be discussed if necessary after availability is researched. Alt DCM, Linda S is going to contact Lincoln Parks & Rec about availability.
c.) encourage group involvement: GSRs will take back to their groups and further details regarding format and other details will be discussed at next meeting.
New Business:
1.) During the Area Committee Meeting, our Area 41 Treasurer, Trent G, mentioned to make sure to send group contributions to the following address:
Trent G.
Area 41 Treasurer
P.O. Box 265
Hallam, NE 68368
2.) Delegate’s Report –
a ) choose a desired date to ask Kit J to give Delegate’s report.
discussion: Take back to groups to see if they would like our District to coordinate with the other districts so that tje Delegate, Kit J, only needs to come to Lincoln once. Ask the groups if they are ok with a combined report or if they would possibly want to have the Delegate come to the unity picnic if they prefer to invite Delegate to just our District.
In years past it has been part of something else, GSR workshop/soup supper, pizza evening, etc…
Bob M. asked if there is a schedule of events on the web site that is historic in nature A list of things that have happened and when they were for future planning purposes. We advised that future events are on the area41.org website but not sure how long they are kept on there.
Next business meeting will be held April 15th, 2012