District 22 – April 2012
A beginning, even the smallest, is all that is needed. Once we have placed the key of willingness in the lock and have the door ever so slightly open, we find that we can always open it some more.. -As Bill Sees It, 122.
• Moment of silence/ Serenity prayer.
• Special announcements: None
• Traditions read by: Thomas W
• Members in attendance: Jessi W., Thomas W, Seth H., Kyra
• DCM/ALT DCM reports: Discussed correct way of making disbursements
5. Treasurers report: Waiting for checks to clear (disbursements) $845; Looking into a possible hidden fee
6. Intergroup: $3151.58 Current Bal. Read by Jessi W.;
7. Secretary minutes: N/A
Motioned/Seconded for approval
8. Old Business:
– Kyra brought a binder for group history
– Tabled corrections powerpoint discussion
9. New Business: None
10. Group Reports:
a. 164: N/A
b. Big Book Bunch: N/A
c. Stag:N/A
d. Sunday Night Wkshp: Numbers are variable, things going well
e. Wild Bunch: Anniversary…numbers down a bit 50-60
f. Rainbow Group: N/A
g. LBB Study: N/A
Motion to close: Thomas W, Second Seth H.