Intergroup – April 2012
Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Chairman: Bob B.
Vice Chairman: Ron R.
Secretary: Jessi W.
Treasurer: Dick S.
Began the meeting @ 6:30 pm
The AA Traditions were read by: Tom B.
Officers present: 4
Committees present: 3
Group chair members present: 9
Districts present: 3
Minutes approved for March 2012
District reports:
(03) – Still no DCM. And no representative
Tom (21)
Group Balance after contributions: $391.25
Has a new group and they contributed to Districts before the District knew they existed.
Continuing to gather group histories
Reviewing Corrections powerpoint
Continued discussion and planning for Unity Picnic
*Now going to try to combine Unity Picnic and Delegate Report
Mike E. (22)
Balance: $845.00
Will be discussing doing a workshop
Discussed the correct way to make disbursements with group contributions
Matt C. (29)
Balance: $334.56
Lower attendance than usual
Still need Alt DCM and Alt Intergroup Rep
The group that the secretary is part of moved districts, but Secretary agreed to remain with District 29.
Treasurers Report:
Balance forward: $3,151.20
Promises $87.50
Total Contributions $87.50
PICPC’s workshop $558.69
PO Box Rental $86.00
Total Expenses $644.69
Ending working Balance: $3,058.23
Prudent res: $ 200
Thanks to the group that contributed.
Mail checks to:
Lincoln Intergroup
P.O. Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Respectfully your servant, Dick S., Treasurer
Committee Reports:
Central Office Committee: (Jim K.) – Meeting March 15, 2012
Treasurer’s Report:
Income $5,926.02
Expenses $5,637.00
Gain/Loss $ 289.02
- Still need 1 alternate board member
- Jim K needs to ask if DR would like to join board.
- Jim K and Craig went to Wild Bunch on 3/20/12 to represent Central Office.
- Neil Larson voted in as Board Member
- Jim K will make new wood sign for the CO
- Still discussing attending other meeting to discuss CO and it’s role in the community.
Next Meeting: April 19, 2012
Corrections Committee: (Ron R.) – Meeting April 3
(No account activity)
(LCF) – Chad O. Chad’s new Tuesday afternoon meeting is going well. There are now four male volunteers taking meetings into the downtown jail. Chad will ask about female volunteers next time he is in.
(CCCL) – Tom E.; Men’s in-house 12 step study on Tuesday night is going well, and has a steady group of inmates attending.
(D & E) – Bill O; Meetings are going well
(RTC) – Bill O; Meeting going well.
(Old Business) – Treatment committee is interested in doing a joint workshop. Discussion
(New Business) – Ron brings the Area 41 Corrections Overview handbook for the committee to look at.
**Next Meeting, Tuesday, May 2 at 6pm – Meeting place (28th & S), room 2A
Hotline committee: (Brian C.)
Calls – 69
Requesting Meeting Info – 56
12 Step Calls – 12
Not answered – 14
** There was a call for a sponsor, the hotline sent the call to Marcella. Jim K is looking into that.
MEMBERS: Please note, there are numbers and information on the back of the sign-up sheet to further assist the groups and our responsibilities. Suggest to people signing up they save the numbers in their phone so they know it’s the hotline when a call comes through.
PI/CPC Committee: (Jessi W.) – Meeting April 15.
Workshop was this week on April 24.
Went very well, was well received, lots of great feedback.
34 evaluations returned. 12 facilities were represented.
Committee decided to advertise in the LJS, but will seek more advice from Jerome/Pam.
All other projects will continue to be tabled until after this workshop.
Treatment Committee: No representative present.
Website Committee: (Ron E.)
Received and posted minutes for Districts 22 and 29 along with the Central Office Bulletin.
Special Events Committee: (Jeremy M.) – No representative present.
For more info on all committee reports visit
Old Business:
- What’s able to be posted on AA website?
- Seth asked what we decided on
- Jim shared that the Central Office doesn’t want to change the bulletin.
- There are hard copies of the bulletin.
- Reps decided to take it off then
- Matt suggested to put a note on the websites that says you can pick upbulletins at the Central Office.
- Dick did not have a inflow/outflow of funds report prepared this month.
- JT, who made the request, ok’d waiting one more month for report.
New Business:
No New Business
Meeting closed at 7:00 PM, and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.
The next meeting is Friday, May 25 @ 6:30 @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.
Thank you for allowing me to be of service.
Jessi W.
Meeting Minutes – April 27, 2012
Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Chairman: Bob B.
Vice Chairman: Ron R.
Secretary: Jessi W.
Treasurer: Dick S.
Began the meeting @ 6:30 pm
The AA Traditions were read by: Tom B.
Officers present: 4
Committees present: 3
Group chair members present: 9
Districts present: 3
Minutes approved for March 2012
District reports:
__________________ (03) – Still no DCM. And no representative
Tom (21)
Group Balance after contributions: $391.25
Has a new group and they contributed to Districts before the District knew they existed.
Continuing to gather group histories
Reviewing Corrections powerpoint
Continued discussion and planning for Unity Picnic
o Now going to try to combine Unity Picnic and Delegate Report
Mike E. (22)
Balance: $845.00
Will be discussing doing a workshop
Discussed the correct way to make disbursements with group contributions
Matt C. (29)
Balance: $334.56
Lower attendance than usual
Still need Alt DCM and Alt Intergroup Rep
The group that the secretary is part of moved districts, but Secretary agreed to remain with
District 29.
Treasurers Report:
Balance forward: $3,151.20
Total Contributions
PICPC’s workshop
PO Box Rental
Total Expenses
Ending working Balance: $3,058.23
Prudent res: $ 200
Thanks to the group that contributed.
Mail checks to:
Lincoln Intergroup
P.O. Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Respectfully your servant, Dick S., Treasurer
$ 87.50
$ 558.69
Committee Reports:
Central Office Committee: (Jim K.) – Meeting March 15, 2012
Treasurer’s Report: Income
Still need 1 alternate board member
Jim K needs to ask if DR would like to join board.
Jim K and Craig went to Wild Bunch on 3/20/12 to represent Central Office.
Neil Larson voted in as Board Member
Jim K will make new wood sign for the CO
Still discussing attending other meeting to discuss CO and it’s role in the community.
Next Meeting: April 19, 2012
$ 289.02
Corrections Committee: (Ron R.) – Meeting April 3
(No account activity)
(LCF) – Chad O. Chad’s new Tuesday afternoon meeting is going well. There are now four male
volunteers taking meetings into the downtown jail. Chad will ask about female volunteers next time
he is in.
(CCCL) – Tom E.; Men’s in-house 12 step study on Tuesday night is going well, and has a steady
group of inmates attending.
(D & E) – Bill O; Meetings are going well
(RTC) – Bill O; Meeting going well.
(Old Business) – Treatment committee is interested in doing a joint workshop. Discussion
(New Business) – Ron brings the Area 41 Corrections Overview handbook for the committee to look
**Next Meeting, Tuesday, May 2 at 6pm – Meeting place (28th & S), room 2A
Hotline committee: (Brian C.)
Calls – 69
Requesting Meeting Info – 56
12 Step Calls – 12
Not answered – 14
** There was a call for a sponsor, the hotline sent the call to Marcella. Jim K is looking into that.
MEMBERS: Please note, there are numbers and information on the back of the sign-up sheet
to further assist the groups and our responsibilities. Suggest to people signing up they save the
numbers in their phone so they know it’s the hotline when a call comes through.
PI/CPC Committee: (Jessi W.) – Meeting April 15.
Workshop was this week on April 24.
Went very well, was well received, lots of great feedback.
34 evaluations returned. 12 facilities were represented.
Committee decided to advertise in the LJS, but will seek more advice from Jerome/Pam.
All other projects will continue to be tabled until after this workshop.
Treatment Committee: No representative present.
Website Committee: (Ron E.)
No Report.
Special Events Committee: (Jeremy M.) – No representative present.
For more info on all committee reports visit
Old Business:
What’s able to be posted on AA website?
o Seth asked what we decided on
o Jim shared that the Central Office doesn’t want to change the bulletin.
There are hard copies of the bulletin.
Reps decided to take it off then
Matt suggested to put a note on the websites that says you can pick up
bulletins at the Central Office.
Dick did not have a inflow/outflow of funds report prepared this month.
o JT, who made the request, ok’d waiting one more month for report.
New Business:
No New Business
Meeting closed at 7:00 PM, and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.
The next meeting is Friday, May 25 @ 6:30 @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.
Thank you for allowing me to be of service.
Jessi W.