District 21 – May 2012
District 21 Agenda
May 20, 2012
12 Traditions read by: Nancy S.
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael F.):
Treasurer’s Report (Jon R.): not present-emailed report to Jennifer R prior to meeting
Beginning Balance: $391.25
In none
park shelter $80.00
rent $10.00
Ending Balance: to be given at a later time. Bank balance $346.15
Intergroup Liaison Report (Tom B): Gave report.
– Advised Jennifer she needs to also be emailing reports to Ron at Intergroup. Tom will email Jennifer with Ron’s email address for the future minutes to be sent him. (for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org)
DCM report (Jennifer R.):I was able to visit to the newly formed “Principles Before Personalities Group” on Friday, April 27th to introduce myself and welcome their group to our district. I gave them some AA Pamphlets and the 2012-2013 District 21 Contribution Contact Information Sheet There are actually several closed meetings at their location at 14th & Otoe and was given a list of meetings for this location, which i made copies of for everyone if you would like to take to your groups.
Linda and Jon were able to get the Deposit to Lincoln Parks and Rec and were able to reserve the Van Dorn Park Shelter for Sunday, July 22nd from 12pm-4pm for the $80 cost. We still need to give them a $50 damage deposit and Linda will be able to pick up the key on Friday, July 20th by 4:30 p.m. I have sent Kit J and email to let him know the date was finalized as he had nemailed me prior confirmation that either of the dates we choose would be fine for him to give
his Delegate’s Report.
Becky N had forwarded me the Group History for Sufficient Substitute, which i have forwarded to our Area Archives Chairperson. I was planning on taking this to the Area 41 State Reunion, however, i will be attending a family function that Saturday, June 2nd and will be unable to attend. I hope some of you will be able to make it to the Reunion and enjoy the weekend of speakers and hear the Delegate’s Report.
Yours in Service, Jennifer Rogers
GSR Reports:
1. Pocket of Enthusiasm (Jenni H.): Will attend area 41 reunion. She has group history form group and will E-mail to Jennifer. Anniversary is the 2nd Wednesday in July. July 11, 2012. No planning for this at this time. Will be 26 years old(ish).
2. Sufficient Substitute (Becky N.): Will be attending area 41 reunion, attendance is holding steady, nothing new to report.
3. Women’s Circle of Friends (Vickie P ): Not present.
4. Young People’s (Miranda R.): Not present.
5. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.): This are going well, moving right along. Attendance is 50+. Good lineup of speakers. Always looking for more.
6. Spiritual Actions (Brian C.): Things are good.
7. Seeking Solutions (Nancy S.): Things are good, nothing new to report.
8. Steps we Take: (Michael F): Our last business meeting was the last Wednesday in April where we elected a new Treasurer Chris C. They also elected new GSR, Michael F. “We’re Great.”
District 21 Business
Old Business:
1) Group History Reports? These can be E-mailed to Jennifer.
2) Area 41 Secretary, Ray P, sent an email to let us know that the AREA 41 Proposed Handbook is on the area41.org website. Did anyone go out and review the Proposed Handbook ? Any feedback ?
3) 2014 National Archives Workshop – (Becky N) – Please ask your groups if they would be interested and supportive of having the Area 41 Archives submit a bid to host the 2014 National Archives Convention. Any group feedback? None to speak of, one person said they’d like to see it here.
4) Unity Picnic – Shelter is Reserved from 12-4 – Encourage Group Involvement – Becky N. volunteered to make a flier.
a) Food – what will Dist 21 provide ?
Have: plates, knives, coffee and cups.
Need: napkins, forks and spoons, condiments/fixings. volunteers for setup and cleanup.
District will provide: meat -hotdogs & possibly hamburgers for approximately 50 people. 35 of each was suggested.
Steps We Take: Buns – Will Ask Bob M. if he can bring his grill again.
Sufficient Sub: Beverages
A-M Desert
N-Z Side Dish
Spiritual Actions: Will be bringing a large coffee pot.
Need volunteers for setup at 11:00AM and clean up after.
b) Topic – Speakers from each Group? Topic to focus on for speakers – Attraction rather than
promotion. What makes your group awesome, what attracted you to your meeting.
c) Agenda/Time Frame:
11:00 start set up
12:30 fellowship
12:40 start cooking
1:00 Eat
2:00 Speakers from 4 groups
2:30 Delegates
3:00 Speakers from 4 groups
New Business:
(1) If you know in advance that you are not able to attend our monthly business meetings, please email or text Jennifer if possible to save on paper/printing costs for monthly meeting agendas.
(2) Becky N – Sufficient Substitute is requesting a hard copy of the District 21 Treasurer report prepared prior to Dist 21 Business Meetings monthly to be taken back to the groups. Tom B will forward an example of a Treasurer’s Report used at Intergroup for an example of desired format.Jennifer will forward this format to Jon R and ask him to use for next business meeting.
(3) Becky N – Sufficient Substitute asked if the “Principles before Personalities Group” is a registered group? Yes, Jennifer checked with the Registrar and they are a registered group.
(4) Becky N – Sufficient Subtitute – is there any update on the handicapped accessibility? There was feedback given to Jennifer earlier in the year and GSRs from District 21 did verify this information is correct on against the meeting list.
Any Other New Business Items ? No
Ending time: 5:41
Next business meeting will be held Sunday, June 15th, 2012 at 4:30 (Fathers’ Day)