District 22 – May 2012
District 22 notes for May 2012
Time opened: 6:35 pm
Time closed: 7:11pm
Opened with a moment of silence and the Serenity Prayer
Read Traditions: Emily S.
Pre pig June 16 at Pawnee Lake, Dinners at 5, business mtg at 6:30, Bonfire mtg after, People will be camping all weekend.
In attendance: Ron R., Mike E., Jessi W., Thomas W., Whitney H., Emily S., Kjerstin E., Seth H.
DCM/alternate DCM report:
- Has Box 459 if anyone is interested in looking at those
GSO report is actually a good read - Has Cornhusker Roundup fliers
- Area 41 Archives is interested in getting group histories. So take the sheets back to your groups and turn them back in by June 1, so Mike can get them to the Archivist, or mail them in yourself.
- Reported on the Grapevine Workshop/Chili Cookoff
Went well, good turn out about 40 people
Thomas W-Treasurers report-
Previous balance was $845, doesn’t have a current balance.
- Took in $120 from donations for workshop
- Should have another donation too
- Will reimburse Mike for March area meeting and chili cook off receipts.
Jessi W.-Intergroup:
- PICPC workshop went very well
- Waiting for a report on inflow/outflow of cash
- Central Office Bulletin will no longer be on the Lincoln AA website
Minutes—Seth H.
- Small meeting, nothing new to report. Discussed the power of the purse
*Old Business*
- Area Corrections committee powerpoint, will be a voting item in September, so we should share that with our groups to be ready for the voting item.
- Discuss power of the purse
*New Business*
- Ideas for a workshop
- Anonymity in social media (Facebook)
- The service triangle: What they are, why they are important
- 12 step calls: tips, what you can do, what you can’t do, what’s legal?
- Sponsorship, meeting etiquette
- Singleness of purpose (difference between alcoholic and addict)
Take ideas back to group, ask for opinions and bring it back next month.
Topics are:
1. Anonymity in a digital age
2. Unity, Service, Recovery Triangle
3. Sponsorship
Thomas will find out exact rent so we can discuss dropping prudent reserve, next month
Group Reports:
164: NA
Big Book Bunch: NA
Stag: Attendance has picked up; same old same old
Sunday Night workshop: Good! Attendance is good. Step person doing good. Rockin.
Wild Bunch: Doing good. About 70 people. Would like to get the District 22 DCM to come talk about District. Mike would like to bring others to have more of a panel. Haven’t set a date yet.
LBB: Apologizes for not having a rep here for a while. Emily is alt GSR; GSR has stepped down, so they will be getting a new one next month. Attendance is good. Independence Center brings its ladies. Meeting changed to 7pm from 7:30. Have an outside smoking meeting. It’s a good time.
*End of Meeting*