Corrections – January 2012
Corrections Committee — 3 January 2012
Chair: Ron R.
Treasurer: Tom E. No activity. Balance remains $169.30. This month, Tom will pay $30.00 rent (for January to June 2012) to Central Office.
City/County Jail: Chad O. Chad will return to the downtown jail this month. He will try to
arrange a Tuesday morning meeting.
Community Corrections Center, Lincoln (CCCL): Tom E. Men’s in-house Twelve Step
Study on Tuesday nights continues to go well.
Those interested in driving inmates to outside meetings no longer need to take an orientation class. All they need to do is fill out an application and undergo a background check.
Old Business: Tom delivered the ten Big Books that Mark H. requested for LCF.
New Business: Chad will consult with Parker, the chair of the Treatment Committee, about the possibility of the joint-workshop between Treatment and Corrections.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, 7 February 2012, at 6:00 p.m., Room 2A, The Meeting Place, 28th & S St.