District 21 – June 2012

District 21 Meeting Minutes

June 17, 2012

12 Traditions read by: Miranda

Officer Reports

Secretary’s Report (Michael F.): Not Present – No report given

Treasurer’s Report (Jon R.):  Jon will email a formal report to Jennifer who will forward to everyone.  Starting at the July business meeting, he will have a physical report to have Jennifer print out with Agenda prior to the meeting.

Beginning Balance: $391.25 **this is the End Bal from April mtg / Beg Bal of May mtg)
**Bank balance given to Jennifer from Jon prior to May mtg $346.15

In Out
Steps We Take $38.80 80.00 park reservation(**previously listed from May minutes)
Principles B4 Personalities $48.00 10.00 Rent (May)(**previously listed from May minutes)
Seeking Solutions $116.41 10.00 Rent (June)
9.42 – 80 Unity Picnic Flyers (11cents each at Staples)

Ending Balance: $485.04  -$150 prudent reserve = $337.04 available balance

Intergroup Liaison Report (Tom B):

( for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org)

DCM report (Jennifer R.):

Since we met last, Becky N had created a flyer for the Dist 21 Unity Picnic, which i forwarded a copy of to all the Dist 21 GSRs and contacts, as well as Area 41 and Intergroup.  The flyer looked great! I briefly discussed (texted) a possible budget for the Unity Picnic and on top of the $80 Rent, Jon felt like if expenses can be limited to $50, this should be acceptable based on what we currently have in the Dist 21 bank account.

Tom forwarded me Ron’s email address from Intergroup, so I have added him to my list and will continue forwarding meeting minutes so he can updated the intergroup website efficiently.

I was unable to attend the Area 41 Reunion in June as i had a family function to attend.  I hope all were able to attend had a wonderful time and learned a lot from Kit’s Delegate Report.

Yours in Service, Jennifer R

Alt DCM Report : (Linda S) Not Present

GSR Reports:

  1. Pocket of Enthusiasm (Jenni H.): 26th Anniversary on July 11th- speaker is Lori G.  New Group Secretary is Jake and Speaker Chair (3 mo position) is Doug.  Low on female attendees.  They will not have a meeting on July 4th as the building is closed for the holiday.
  2. Sufficient Substitute (Keith): 10-14 regular attendees and have been seeing more new comers recently
  3. Women’s Circle of Friends (Vickie P ):  Not present.
  4. Young People’s (Miranda R.): nothing new.
  5. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.):   50 + average attendance and may be having an 41st     anniversary celebration – still in discussion.
  6. Spiritual Actions (Brian C.): Not present
  7. Seeking Solutions (Nancy S. ): Still going good. Lighter attendance and babysitting is still going well.  They are looking for an intergroup rep
  8. Steps we Take: ( Michael F):  Not Present
  9. 11th Step Group : (Jackie) – things are going well

District 21 Business

Old Business:

1. Dist 21 Unity Picnic –

a) Action steps completed & Items & commitments received:

  1. Van Dorn Shelter reserved & rental fee of $80 paid (Linda S)
  2. Flyers created (Becky N)
  3. Women’s Circle of Friends donated ketchup/mustard/relish (Jennifer )
  4. Dist 21 already has 50 plates, plenty of knives, coffee and 90-100 cups
  5. Large Coffee Pot – Spiritual Actions (Brian C)
  6. forks (50-100) – Pockets
  7. spoons (50-100) – Pockets
  8. plates (approx 50 more) – Nancy or Seeking Solutions
  9. napkins (1 large package) – Nancy or Seeking Solutions
  10. Cleaning Items- towels to clean up – Jennifer will bring kitchen towels

b) Items still needed

  1. Meat – Jenni H priced the following: $24.98 for 40 hamburger patties, $8.98 for 30 fairbury brand hot dogs, or 80 hot dogs for $21.48 from Sams. **We discussed going with the 40hamburger patties and                 30 hot dogs but we will finalize at July 15th meeting.
  2. Buns – checking with Michael – Steps We Take Group
  3. Grill – checking to see if Michael discussed with Bob
  4. $50 damage deposit to be paid at time key is picked up (by 4:30pm 7/20)

c) Service Workers/ Volunteers

  1. Sufficient Substitute Group will be responsible for Drinks
  2. Set Up (11:30 am)
  3. Speakers ( would like up to 8 – up to 10 minutes each)

– Vickie P – Women’s Circle of Friends

– Jenni H – Pockets of Enthusiasm

d) Clean Up (3:30pm- we only have shelter reserved until 4 pm)

  1. Sufficient Substitute is requesting a hard copy of the District 21 Treasurer report  to be taken back to the groups.  – Jon R will provide hard copy at July 2012 business meeting

New Business:

1) Please review the Area 41 Newsletter and be prepared to discuss Voting Item at our July 15th  for Sept 8-9 Area 41 Business Meeting ?

VOTE: AGENDA ITEM: 2012-1-21, #004, Corrections

Area 41 approve the PowerPoint presentation created by the Corrections committee for use in Area 41 corrections work. Background: Our delegate Leon A passed a PowerPoint presentation that was being used in corrections work in New York State. The area 41 corrections committee took it upon ourselves to change it to apply to our area to use. It was approved by the Corrections Committee at the November 2011 assembly to be sent to the floor for area 41 approval since it will be used out-side of AA. Area 41 Corrections Committee.

Next Dist 21 business meeting will be held Sunday, July 15th, 2012 at 4:30
District 21 Unity Picnic – will be held Sunday, July 22nd, 12:30-4:00 pm
Next Area 41 Assembly will be held Sat and Sun Sept 8th and 9th in Columbus